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11/4/2016 4:46:30 PM

Queen's Wrath Faction Rewards

Back in year one they had a Queens Wrath event. It was kind of a flop, so they didn't do it again. However. During the event they had the queen's helmet and chest piece. Which I got and held onto, stored them in my vault, hoping for the day I could complete the set. Fast forward to the release of Rise of Iron. They low key made it so you can earn the set by ranking up the Queen's Wrath faction. But theres a catch. Theres only two ways to rank her up. Turn in etheric light, which you can get two or three (I can't remember) per week by playing the old prison of elders (idk if that even has matchmaking), nobody wants to play it bc the rewards are basically shit. The second way to rank her up is through her bounties. She has three bounties per week. Three. For like 500 rep each. All of said bounties require you to sit around x location and wait for a specific taken boss to show up, said wait can take up to 20 minutes. I'm not about to subject my friends to that wait so I go and wait alone and theres usually no one else around to help me kill said boss because no one does patrols on the cosmodrome (or anywhere else) anymore. Keep in mind these bounties grant you like 500 rep. If you complete all three per week thats 1500 rep. So you can't even get her up a full level, completing all bounties for two weeks will rank you up, because unlike other factions that take 2500 rep to rank up, the queen takes 3000 rep to rank up. Other than etheric light there is no ranking her up with average materials, like motes, ammo, or planetary mats. To make things even worse, when you do rank up, its a random item. Which is infuriating, hence this long ass message. I wasted over two hours of my time, doing bounties I saved for two weeks then busted through 5 of them. Ranked her up. Got my package. It was a chest piece. Mind you I got the almost exact same chest piece in year one. My first rank up after Rise of Iron I got the chest piece from my random reward for levelinf up. And today after leveling her up again. I got the chest piece. For the third time. The fact that you can't "pay" to level her up, and theres only three bounties a week which can take up to 20 minutes of pure waiting (1 hour of waiting total assuming you beat each one on your own the first time said boss finally spawns) and the fact you can't buy the specific armor piece like you can at a regular vendor, and that her reward is random and that she takes 3k rep to level up (once every two weeks from bounties) is a serious -blam!-ing issue. This is so irritating. I really don't want to waste more of my time on ranking that faction up just to get the same item again. I realize faction rewards from the Queen is not a game breaking bug/exploit/cheese. But I would still appreciate it if it could be addressed. Thanks.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I would like to see something else added to her bounty to make it worth while as well!! I, too, do her bounties as part of my weekly ritual but its as you said it's time consuming and annoying that it takes 2 weeks (5-6 bounties) for one rank up. I've been grinding since Rise of Iron dropped but all that has dropped for me were the Greaves!! I would love to be able to build up the full armor set!!



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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