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11/7/2016 4:16:44 PM

Sliding Mechanic Overhaul

I know many people like the sliding mechanic and use it to VERY aggravating levels in various activities (I'm looking at you Trials of Osiris). But what if instead of sliding, there was a specific dodge that is class specific? Many exotics give different mobility options, like Twilight Garrison or the one that gives Shadestep. It would add more variety to each class and make it so that you don't have to waste an exotic or a perk in your tree on a different mobility option. Just saying lol the less sliding shotgunners I see, the better my life is.



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  • I'm all for variety, but you know some subclasses would still be able to slide as their unique ability, and their slides would have to be buffed to be much more dynamic than they are now in order to compete with moves like Shadestep. [i]I'd[/i] probably be okay with it, but I'm not sure [i]you'd[/i] like how that'd turn out.



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