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11/20/2016 7:30:20 PM

Shotguns and why my clan is quitting Destiny...

Shotguns as EVERYBODY currently knows are a crucible favorite for the sheer fact.. they're almost unbeatable to any weapon unless you are a top tier player. The one hit kill range on shotguns such as Matador64, Party-Crasher+1, Last Ditch001, is insane and i often find myself surprised at the range i had just died from. Also, shotguns can one hit through a revive shield, making revives in tight situations in game modes such as the Trials of Osiris completely useless. The shotgun effectiveness and favoritism has only been increased by the heavy Nerf to snipers, which even top tier players such as Hush/ SirDimetrius are admitting to sniping being a lot less enjoyable and viable in the crucible. And with primary's being so underwhelming and effective against shotguns, especially titans in which juggernaut has become a fan favorite, shotguns are the king of the crucible. Shotguns in my opinion are in a GOOD state, other then maybe a range decrease. It is the rest of destiny's meta that is far under powered. The sniper nerf at the beginning of year three was not needed at all and it was a mistake, sniping competitively is pointless and utterly useless in my opinion. Primarys need to be buffed across the board. the class meta i shall not delve into as it will only cause arguments. but as a blade dancer hunter, i see myself being severely underwhelming against titans and warlocks of any class. My clan has been playing destiny since day one, we are three hunters, who all prefer sniping and enjoy it, and for the longest time enjoyed destiny's pvp, we grinded for weeks for our first flawless run, and when we made it, we kept grinding for more flawless runs. This was back in year one, where the meta in my opinion was the best, shotguns and snipers were relativity well balanced, hand cannons were rather powerful yes but with skill easily counteracted. This was when destiny to us was at its best and the most enjoyable. Then year 2 came along, the meta was thrown upside down and for a few months.. we hated it, we could never settle and we struggled in skirmish let alone trials. as year two progressed we found our place and it gradually became enjoyable again. we were just as good at sniping as ever and it was a fun time. Then.. then year three came with another game changing weapon balance, the sniping was basically thrown on the ground and stamped on, close range aggressive sniping was destroyed unless you were the best of the best. and.. shotguns.. i cant go into a single crucible game without finding at least one guardian who has lost sense of what a primary is and is using their god rolled shotgun as a primary instead. Even on longer ranged maps, i find myself getting destroyed by shotguns repeatedly. This made trials, something my team used to look forward too, become a task, and something we eventually stopped all together, in turn, my fire-team members quit destiny completely in favor of more enjoyable games such as Rainbow Six Siege, CoD and even Overwatch, i held onto destiny, and i have hit the 400 light cap.. but today.. today i went into 10 games in a row.. where i went negative to the hands of people using shotguns as their primary.. i didn't get a single sniper kill due to the flinch and my last word proved too SLOW to counter someone running at me.. i did not enjoy a single game and this made me realize... whatever Bungie are doing with destiny.. they've ruined it for me and my clan.. and unless we hear of a large meta change involving the buff of snipers and fixing of the meta in general in the future, Bungie have lost 3 extremely dedicated players for good. Destiny is NOT fun game to us anymore and it saddens me to have finally admit this.



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