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由Krishnas Prophet編輯: 12/9/2016 7:54:30 PM

I Created This Graphic That Explains Both The Cause, And Tectonic Sturcture of The Flat Earth

With the recent talk of belief in plate tectonics, I thought it would be good to clarify the overall tectonic structure of the Flat Earth. Essentially, the Flat Earth is cylindrical in shape, and is comprised of three primary layers encased by a ring of ice. The "upwards" motion of the Flat Earth Caused by Universal Acceleration, combined with the non-gravitational obligate tendency of all unsupported objects to fall "downwards" through space, compresses the earth between opposite forces. These opposing forces hold the Flat Earth's tectonic structure in place and provide the pressure necessary to super heat the molten layer. [spoiler]I am going to be busy this week, so I might not respond to many of you. But I will try to address your concerns eventually. Thanks.[/spoiler]



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