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由Krishnas Prophet編輯: 12/9/2016 7:54:30 PM

I Created This Graphic That Explains Both The Cause, And Tectonic Sturcture of The Flat Earth

With the recent talk of belief in plate tectonics, I thought it would be good to clarify the overall tectonic structure of the Flat Earth. Essentially, the Flat Earth is cylindrical in shape, and is comprised of three primary layers encased by a ring of ice. The "upwards" motion of the Flat Earth Caused by Universal Acceleration, combined with the non-gravitational obligate tendency of all unsupported objects to fall "downwards" through space, compresses the earth between opposite forces. These opposing forces hold the Flat Earth's tectonic structure in place and provide the pressure necessary to super heat the molten layer. [spoiler]I am going to be busy this week, so I might not respond to many of you. But I will try to address your concerns eventually. Thanks.[/spoiler]



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  • 由Sainyule編輯: 12/11/2016 5:30:26 AM
    [quote]With the recent talk of belief in plate tectonics, I thought it would be good to clarify the overall tectonic structure of the Flat Earth.[/quote] Well tectonics only deal with the Earth's Crust. Why am I viewing an image of "flat" earths layers? [quote]Essentially, the Flat Earth is cylindrical in shape, and is comprised of three primary layers encased by a ring of ice.[/quote] You do understand that means the Earth isn't flat if it's cylindrical. You can't just slap an image of the earth on top of a cylinder and neglect it's sides and bottom. So you just flat out admitted flat earth is fake. What's also interesting is how we do not see this ring of ice from the surface. The size of this ring is bigger than the Earth and therefore visible, clearly. Now I know what you're gonna say, we do see it it's the sky! No, that's our atmosphere. Not to mention this ring of ice will be miles across, that means nothing can pretty much hit earth from space unless it's traveling at speeds that are unreachable. Saturn's ring is 175,000 miles across. Judging by the fact saturn is about 9.5 times bigger than earth we can see that this ring is still 18,500 miles. Yet we have had spaceships exit our atmosphere and meteors crash onto earth. How were they able to exit/enter our atmosphere. [quote]The "upwards" motion of the Flat Earth Caused by Universal Acceleration, combined with the non-gravitational obligate tendency of all unsupported objects to fall "downwards" through space, compresses the earth between opposite forces.[/quote] You were the one to tell me there is no direction in space yet here is something falling downwards. But things don't fall downward without something pulling or pushing. We have concluded there is no air resistance in space so nothing in pushing it, so now there's a force pulling it. You refuse to call it gravity, so tell me what is this sentient force pulling on the earth. But here's something special that I don't know if you neglected to mention or not but, there's no force on the sides. You see, if there were forces pushing on the sides that would counter all "why don't you fall off the edge" rebuttals. It would also allow the earth to keep its cylindrical shape. This model will constantly press the earth, crushing it and spreading it out. Therefore the distance between where I live and the store would increase daily, weekly, monthly, depending on how powerful these forces are. Which we know your Flat earth is moving up at 9.81m/s^2. Here's yet another point you forgot to mention. It's almost as if you just add onto the theory everytime. You see this force pulling the flat earth would not be able to counter and compress the earth. It will only be able to counter it. To compress and counter it would have to be a pushing force from above. Plus your earth would have to be accelerating at 19.62m/s^2 and experience a resistance of 9.81m/s^2 to still be compressed and be countered. This image has quiet literally exposed you as more of a troll than an actual flat earth believer. Tbh, after this I think I don't want to respond to anymore of these threads.



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