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12/30/2016 1:43:21 AM

Package bug

There's a bug that allows the Queen's Wrath rep to award two class items upon accepting rank-up packages. It must be a bug as it's too stupid to be deliberate that it's possible to get the same thing twice at once right? Could this be fixed at some point? A low priority issue, but anything that basically amounts to a waste of a player's time should be addressed. Thanks for the extra bounties.



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  • [quote]There's a bug that allows the Queen's Wrath rep to award two class items upon accepting rank-up packages. It must be a bug as it's too stupid to be deliberate that it's possible to get the same thing twice at once right?[/quote] Absolutely not a bug. The package's contents are random. I ranked up once this week and received chest armor, class armor and a ship.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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