Triple Threat Titans Chapter 64- About Bloody Time pt 1.
Wow, thank you for praying for my brother's RNG. Wish you could pray for mine, because I never get anything better than a Hardlight. He got an Ice Breaker.
Also, this is two parts because hates me and won't let me post an entire Google Doc.
*This if from JJ's view cause, reasons.*
[b]After that face off against that Titan, I wasn’t alone in that match anymore.[/b] Two Hunters, and three Warlocks joined the match.
It was fun. Every time someone would pop super, I’d scope in quickly, aim for the head, pull the trigger, and scope out
If others were nearby, I’d scope in on their heads, too. If one of the Warlocks threw a Nova Bomb, I’d run.
I have no idea what it’s called, when you scope in, aim for head, and fire, within a second. But I got a few multi-kills that way.
I also would aim for the head with the Read Death. In two bursts, whoever tried to rush me would die.
I will admit, one time I did get shot down by a Golden Gun right after I pulled trigger once.
After that, I left the match, back to the Tower. I saw Chase talking with Banshee.
Then I saw that Titan from earlier. The one I’d faced off against earlier. Apparently, he wore glasses.
For some reason, he also wasn’t mad at me. Instead, he walked up to me, and waved his hand in front of my face.
“JJ,” he said, “Hello. Earth to JJ. Are you there?”
Okay, at this point, I’m growing used to that, people calling me [i]JJ[/i]. I’m still a little bit annoyed by that.
At this point, he was yelling at me, “HELLO!! ARE YOU THERE!!”
I decided to speak up, “Hello.”
“Silent nowadays, aren’t ya?” he replied. “Doubt you remember me,” he muttered.
Actually, his name was literally at the tip of my tongue. It was something that started with “B”, I swear. Brayden? Blake? I think it’s Blake.
“I’m trying to re-learn everyone’s names. Your name is...Blake, right?” I asked.
“Spot-on. Wait a minute. You don't remember names that well. That means you don’t know my first name! Hahaha!” Blake whooped.
Okay, the name [i]Tommy[/i] just happened to be one of the few names I remembered. But I knew I didn’t hear it often. I couldn’t put a face to the name. Until now.
“You doubt me, Tommy?” I asked.
“Damnit! You remembered that! I thought you lost your memory.” Blake shouted.
“Coincidence that he remembers you when you’re not wearing your helmet,” Delphi replied.
“Coincidence? I think not!” Blake shouted, “I think he’s faking us out.”
Faking memory loss? Not possible. Is it? I don’t know.
Chase turns around, chuckling, “I didn’t know you were trying to sneak up on me, James.”
“Ayy! Well, you’ve finally realized the three of us are all here. I did a headcount!” Blake smiled.
“Blake, what could you possibly be thinking?” Chase asked.
“Road trip!” Blake declared.
Chase threw his hands on the air,“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me,” I said.
“Do you have any idea how many-- oh, you don’t remember,” Chase replied.
I really don’t remember anything about any previous road trips. Also, I feel like what I’m slowly starting to remember is being forced on me.
“So where will we go?” I asked.
“Venus,” Chase suggested, “We really haven’t seen much there.”
“Venus it is,” Blake replied.