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1/7/2017 8:50:43 PM

Quick PS Plus Question

Well ever since I got a PS4, I've been using my brother's PS Plus (I know. I'm cheap.) But now after over a year he is saying that he wants me to get my own PS Plus because if my PS4 is Primary he can't play any of the games he has bought offline. Anyways I'm worried that if I get my own PS Plus I'll have to buy all expansions all over again. Anybody know how it works or if I'll have to buy it all over again? Thanks a lot!
#Destiny #psplus



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  • If he digitally downloaded everything on his account, then yes, you'll have to buy everything on your own to play (plus PS Plus). Reason being because his account owns the license to those games, but if you downloaded the games on your account, then you own the License and you only need to buy the membership. Hope that helps and Good Luck Guardian :)



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