What does it mean to Become Legend? The literal term refers to "a story tied to a tradition without verifiable our authenticated evidence of it's happening". This doesn't fit Destiny's concept so we'll go with a definition that we as Guardians can most relate to, that definition is: "One Unlike Others" or "Unique in the Extraordinary". With this in mind, the current endgame leaves us begging the question, what makes my character unique? We all have the same skills and attributes based on our class. We all experience the same missions in the same sequence with not much variation (with the exception of DLC overhauled boss fights). And we all grind for the same items to boost our attributes to gain an upper hand over guardians that will sooner or later gain the exact same gear. Sure we have shaders and mix and matched armour sets and random rolls for different weapons, but in the grand scheme these differences are small, I dare say, even Trivial. If a God like being were to look at the tower and tell us what they saw they would see three Guardians and a plethora of their specialty equipped clones. We need to bring more variety into our Guardians Fundamental Abilities, our Skill Trees, our Attributes, and how we define ourselves as Guardians to "Become Legend"
Killing a guardian outside of Matador range with Hawkmoon makes me feel pretty legendary.
In terms of guardian individuality from characteristics (appearance, loadouts), I agree. I terms of the story, I agree as well. Mass Effect is a good example of a game where I felt like my character was a legend. I was the first human spectre, and when I was named that it felt like an accomplishment. And when I survived the reaper crashing into the citadel and emerged from the rubble, I felt an emotional surge. You gain friends, allies, respect, and acoomplish legendary feats. For Destiny, lacking these, I felt like legend based on in-game moments of greatness. There was a time back in PoE when we were doing the boss who makes the ground burn (and it was early so we didn't know the strats yet) and my buddies were down, I somehow went cross-map to revive someone, and the guy stammered out, "..Fearsome.....IS AN INCREDIBLE BALLER!!!" (we actually wiped shortly after) I was playing trials for bounties with a couple of clanmates (none of us being good at trials), and in one round I very quickly wrecking balled the other team within about twenty seconds (I was lucky that they came up a ramp in a cluster- wombo combo, headshot, headshot). My buddy quietly said, "Feasome is the greatest player I have ever seen". So moments like these were fun, and were the closest for me in Destiny to feel like my guardian(s) is legendary. I guess for me it's playing with friends and having ass-kicking moments.
When I stuck a gg with a fusion at the same time he activated it, he feels crappy and I feel like a legend
your right in saying what does it mean to become legend. that if those in charge will let us you know what bungie is like when it comes to this game.
In the lore, we are the legendary guardian that leads others to defeat the great monstrosities of the darkness. It's not a case of "I killed Oryx today, buddy killed oryx tomorrow." It's that you completed the task, you are legend. The other guardians were there for the ride... "Become legend" it's the story of the guardian in the lore, not who the player is.
You're talking about something that all MMOs have when it comes to talent trees, they're called cookie cutter builds. As for gear? Thats a preference but ultimately the same gear gets used but 95% of players regardless of the MMO. You want to become legend? Go do something no one else has or at least made a video of yet like that guy who rode through WoTM on a speeder, the 1st person to solo crota, the first group to 2or 3 man WoTM. Do some research, come up with something that no one else has done, do it and record it.