Just my opinion but what do you guys prefer?
At their best possible rolls, the but not forgotten wins. The but not forgotten can roll with injection mold and snapshot and hidden hand which is a better perk than the winged words unflinching. Then the only other factor is the zoom, but not forgotten has 5.2 zoom while winged word has 4.9.
I'm 42 yrs old and I'm jealous. Wtf lol you truly are an amazing player/sniper. Pure joy to watch your skill. Wish you were on my friends list I bet you go flawless all the time . I suck at trials but as a day 1 player it sure would be nice to see the lighthouse once but it's not gonna happen I guess. I will subscribe to your channel though and the audio was fine my friend.
I have both and my but not forgotten has injection mold, snapshot and firefly. Winged word is way more snappy, I prefer the scope, and can kill supers. What more do you want?
由DiabloHammer編輯: 1/25/2017 8:17:12 AMDont have any trials guns yet cant find a good team. The sniper is the only secondary i want. I like all the primaries
I prefer the Winged Word. There are times when things get chaotic with smoke, voidwall grenades, etc. The scope highlights the enemies which is very helpful when you cannot see very well.
由Eat My Acid編輯: 1/25/2017 12:39:29 PMMy but not forgotten has injection mold, single point sling/ explosive rounds and hidden hand I technically have almost every perk variation though since I have 500 archons forge completions but that's the best one
Jeez man your snipes are on point. Makes me want to start sniping again lol haven't sniped as much since the nerf. I've tried both. Personally, i like the winged word better.