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1/29/2017 8:11:41 AM

Lost to Light exotic run - What am I doing wrong?

Hello, I've been trying to get the Black Spindle for a while now, and was joyed to find it it could be obtained by selecting the 240 light heroic mode, however, out of both runs, the door that leads to the ketch has been shut closed. The first time I wiped, and after some research find that that makes the run obsolete. During the second run I did not wipe, sped through all the enemies/skipped them when I could and got to the 3rd room asap. But still, no luck, the door is closed. I have both dlcs (not sure if that means anything) and have been solo both runs. Is there a hidden requirement that I have missed? Or do I just need to go faster? (I ran it nearly as fast as possible) P.S. I'm on Xbox One if that changes anything.



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