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2/7/2017 7:34:01 PM

Fireteam Daybreak: Profiles- Barom-9

[url=]Catalogue of Art and Fics related to Fireteam Daybreak[/url] --- [url=]Picture[/url] [b]Name / Nick[/b]: Barom-9 / Barom [b]Nationality / Language(s)[/b]: Earth-born / Programmed to speak all known languages [b]Age[/b]: Unclear [b]Date of Death / Date of Res[/b]: 2550 / 2663 [b]Number of Resets[/b]: 8 [b]Height / Weight[/b]:  6'0" / 545 lbs. [b]Species[/b]: Exo [b]Light class[/b]: Stormcaller (Arcburner, used to be a Voidwalker) [b]Faction alliance[/b]: Future War Cult [b]Ghost[/b]: Newton [b]Orientation / Status[/b]:  Aromantic Asexual / In a committed QPP [b]Fireteam name / Call name[/b]: Daybreak / Zulu [b]Vice / Virtue[/b]: Apathy, Sloth / Wisdom, Patience [b]Traits[/b]: organized, takes initiative, responsible, quiet, serious, disconnected, obedient, attentive, efficient, hard-working, educated, intelligent, reserved, loyal, thinker, resolute, easily influenced, observant, emotional deadbolt, prefers the company of others, high self-control, abstract, analytical, suspicious, prudent, altruistic, non-sexual, wanderer, problem-solver, honest, hyper-focused on his goals, open to change, lacks tact [b]Quirks[/b]: tries his best to understand the human condition and support his friends although he doesn’t really experience real emotion; more than happy to let others take the lead / doesn’t like being in charge; prefers to have a plan rather than improvise, but if he has to he’s very good at it; although he doesn’t feel anything emotionally, he has developed a fondness for a few people that he likes being around; not easily bothered by many things and lets things roll off his shoulders pretty easily; not one for idle chatter [b]About[/b] Barom is a Warlock of both knowledge and power- though he spends most of his time in Rue’s library helping her with her research, he will not resist orders or requests to venture out beyond the city walls, nor will he shy away from a challenge, even if it seems hopeless. By Guardian standards, Barom is fairly young, only having been brought back from the dead about thirty years prior to the events of Twilight Gap, but unavoidable trauma from a terrible accident aged him far beyond the limits of many Guardians and has driven him to the brink of insanity. In pursuit of learning to Stormcall, Barom was sent to Venus by Ikora to chase an aggressive storm cell and learn to harness its Arc, but as is common for many Warlocks learning the art of Stormtrance, when he was struck by lightning he disappeared and didn’t reappear. His Fireteam wasn’t sure what had happened to cause this, because he was such a strong candidate to become one, but of one thing they were certain- Barom was gone. Although most believed that he had died in the lightning strike, what had really happened was when he conducted the Arc into the inactive timegate it awoke, and he was sent wildly teleporting through time, sometimes to alternate timelines- over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, for an unclear number of years. At first he was terrified- he saw worlds and battles he had never experienced, had only heard of (Mare Imbrium, Six Fronts, and many future wars and potential future wars). The teleportations were completely random, he had no idea where he’d end up or what he’d be facing, but eventually he learned how to at least focus the teleportations and instead used this to his advantage (to undo the death of a certain hunter who had been destined to die at Twilight Gap but survived “miraculously” with his help, warning another of Oryx’s impending arrival). Barom encountered another Exo who, like him, could travel through time, and he attempted to follow her in hopes that she would be able to guide him home- but instead he was shown horrible, terrible things- a world in which the traveler had been destroyed, a world overrun by the Darkness, humanity’s extinction, the end of everything, he was shown timelines where they had failed where in his timeline they had succeeded. He was shown how things could have, and could be, if they failed in any of their future endeavors, and it was too much for him to bear. Little did Barom know, that while he had been trying to find a way to get “back” to his timeline, Rue had been working on the other side to reverse-engineer the Vex tech that had taken him from her, and find a way to catch him as he again passed through the storm cell that bore his new self, and chain him to their reality; and eight years later, she succeeded. But by the time she rescued him, he was already too far gone. In addition to the trauma he had suffered, the Arc in his body was overpowering and unable to be contained; he was at risk for going nuclear at any moment. In a desperate attempt to save his life, Rue infused a pair of spare gloves with some of the Vex tech from the machine that had brought him back and slapped them on, just in time to contain the explosion (and the first prototype for the Impossible Machines was also born). While Barom was unable to return to being a Guardian after all he’d witnessed (he even gave up his ghost and asked it to find another), the FWC was fascinated by his experiences and took him in, to question and encourage him to remember. He now spends his days preaching to members of the Future War Cult and speaking at rallies to garner new members.



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