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2/7/2017 7:48:27 PM

Fireteam Daybreak: Profiles- Chronos-11

[url=]Catalogue of Art and Fics related to Fireteam Daybreak[/url] --- [url=]Picture[/url] [b]Name / Nick[/b]: Chronos-11 / Chronos [b]Nationality / Language(s)[/b]: Earth-born / Programmed to speak all known languages [b]Age[/b]: Unknown [b]Date of Death / Date of Res[/b]: 2400 / 2489 [b]Number of Resets[/b]: 10 [b]Height / Weight[/b]: 6′5″ / 685 lbs. [b]Species[/b]: Exo [b]Light class[/b]: Sunbreaker (subs Defender) [b]Faction alliance[/b]: The Concordat (former) / The Sunbreakers / The Osiris Cult [b]Ghost[/b]: Delilah [b]Orientation / Status[/b]: Asexual Aromantic / Forever alone (and perfectly fine with that) [b]Fireteam name / Call name[/b]: “Our methods are a little unorthodox” (occasional) / Samson [b]Vice / Virtue[/b]: Apathy, Rashness / Steadfastness, Loyalty [b]Traits[/b]: secretive, organized, antisocial, grumpy, unapproachable, tough, self reliant, reclusive, logical, sharp, manipulative, cunning, confident, fearless, resolute, solitary, does not make friends easily / not really a “people person”, finisher, does not like to stand out but does anyway, very practical, unsympathetic / apathetic, brutally honest, insubordinate, overwhelming, not easily offended [b]Quirks[/b]: always overheating / taking off pieces of armor at the most inconvenient times; once felt like he had something important to find but can’t remember what it was; tags along with his human friends on their missions, out of boredom; one of those Exo that cannot feel emotion or understand it; has a hard time being idle [b]About[/b] Chronos is an old Guardian from the beginning of the City Age, who was lost with the other Exo and returned several hundred years later. He, along with the others, could not remember anything about where he had gone or why, he could not even remember the faces of those he had grown to enjoy fighting alongside. As he tried to find his place again amongst the other Guardians, Chronos did the only thing he knew how to do. For several hundred years he fought tirelessly, suffering just over half a dozen resets before finding a place among Osiris and the Sunbreakers, where he found what he’d been missing. Ouros taught him what it meant to be forged in fire, and she pushed them hard, to their breaking points and beyond. The Sunbreakers were Spartans- they thrived in combat, and Chronos was content: with his duty, with his companions, with his new life… but when Osiris was exiled and the Sunbreakers with him, Chronos made a choice and left the city to follow the people he had come to call “family”, until time and circumstance forced him to leave. As it turned out, following Osiris was a bad idea. After nearly a decade of tireless servitude and dutiful faith, the Sunbreakers were abandoned by Osiris, who left to traverse Vex networks in search of the truth behind “the Darkness”. Betrayed by the one he had put his faith in, Chronos launched a reckless solo attack against the Vex in pursuit of Osiris and drove himself to a death so severe when he was resurrected he needed a reset; however when he was brought back, something had changed with his body chemistry. The rage-fueled light inside of him seeped out at the cracks wherever it could, mostly manifesting as steam or hot circuits, but the constant state of overheating set him on edge. He couldn’t stand the heat. The Light needed to be expelled as fast as it was regenerating. And so Chronos fought, and fought, and fought, but with only the Sunbreakers as his challengers, and with the heat of the Sun so close to Mercury, it simply wasn’t enough to keep him comfortable. And so with memories jumbled by his out-of-control light, Chronos returned to the tower and went back to doing oddball jobs with his old friends Bennett and Juliet, where there was more opportunity for battle, more enemies to fight. Patrol life suits him well and keeps his light balanced, though when he is idle he still overheats.



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