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由Charlemagne編輯: 2/24/2017 9:10:19 PM

Star Wars – Episode VIII: The Last Jedi – Discussion/Theory Thread!

Who do you think the lat Jedi is in reference to? Do you think it's Luke? Perhaps Rey? Maybe even Ben? Let's hear your theory! I personally think that might kill Luke off, making Rey or Ben the last Jedi, depending on how things go. That said, we know VIII takes place right after VII with next to no time in between, so it might not be Rey. Perhaps Ben will come back to the Light. I think something important to note is the red font. This was only really ever used for Star Wars: Episode VI – Revenge of the Jedi (before it was changed to Return of the Jedi) as well as some darker The Clone Wars episodes. Perhaps this will be a much darker film in theme with those. (Return of the Jedi also used red font for some marketing.) Edit: Apparently there might be a lot of flashbacks in it, so it could just be that that first meeting between Luke and Rey is actually a flashback from another point in the film. Edit: Someone on Facebook pointed out that Jedi is both singular and plural, so it could be Rey and Luke. Update: Recent translations have shown that "Jedi" is plural in this use.



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  • First comes the day Then comes the night. After the darkness Shines through the light. The difference, they say, Is only made right By the resolving of gray Through refined Jedi sight. - Journal of the Whills There's a video that explains this better but here it goes: Luke will be the Last Jedi. There has been an underlying theme since maybe KOTOR II, maybe even episode 1 with Qui Gon about the superiority and closerness to the Force through being "Gray". For a time, many claimed the Light to be good and truest to the Force while the Dark was considered evil and false. Within the Star Wars universe, they're depicted as dualities. Two sides of the same coin. If one tries to remain too pure to a side, they miss the whole point. I don't have time to further elaborate, but basically, Luke will realize the failings of the previous Jedi order which he may have tried to replicate. That's why he ran off. "Where did I go wrong?" Rey and maybe Kylo Ren/Ben Skywalker will, by the end of episode 9, find a balance to be a true Jedi of the Force in its entirety, not just light or dark, but Gray in the middle. So, episode 8 will be about wrestling and exploring with what did and didn't work with the previous Jedi order. So Luke is literally the last "Jedi"



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