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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
3/8/2017 11:47:10 AM

The Ashen Conflux for Community Focus

Hello fellow Destiny Community members! Today I would like to vouch on behalf of my clan, The Ashen Conflux, as for why we should be considered for the Community Focus. I am an Admin of the Ashen Conflux and our founder is Analytical Ghost. We are a clan focused on the lore of Destiny. The Ashen Conflux is a community of friends which I am proud to be a part of. We are a welcoming group who are willing to help anyone who asks, from explaining the admittedly complex lore of Destiny to perhaps playing a few games of Iron Banner. As members of The Ashen Conflux, we pride ourselves on making posts on lore to inform others and bring up rousing discussions. Our lore discussions range from the position of The Last City to if Skolas is secretly a time traveler who can't die. In the Ashen Conflux, no theory is too outlandish if you can make a case for it, and we welcome discussion challenging other's theories. Many members of the Destiny community who seek to learn more about Destiny's lore without being mocked or overwhelmed see our members posting in #Lore and instantly feel welcomed into the brotherhood of The Ashen Conflux. We welcome newcomers with open arms and our members eagerly await fresh new ears to discuss their opinions on the identity of the Exo Stranger. We are currently expanding our horizons at the Ashen Conflux, trying to reach more members of the Destiny community who would like to learn more about a beloved game and perhaps concoct a theory about the story of a certain sequel coming soon. We currently are in the process of planing several streams going through Destiny content discussing the lore behind it. Ever wonder why we destroy Crota's soul but we still have to kill him in Crota's End? We'll be discussing all sorts of stuff like that in one of plenty upcoming streams in which we hope to answer questions like that. I know that there are plenty of deserving candidates for Community Focus, and we at Ashen Conflux would be honored just for our consideration. I wish you all the best and happy hunting Guardians! Also here is a small sample of some of our lore posts: [url=]Gjallarhorn: Beauty in Destruction[/url] [url=]The Future of The Fallen in Destiny 2[/url] [url=]The Light and The Darkness[/url] [url=]The Worms and The Black Heart[/url] [url=] Sol Progeny, The Black Garden and The Vault of Glass[/url] [url=]Ashen Lore Masterpost[/url]



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