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由Nicolas Cage's編輯: 2/13/2017 7:43:05 PM

Refer-A-Friend Veteran Looking for a Referee on PS4

I've been putting this off long enough, and with a lack of any real new content, I've finally decided I'll take a shot at the Refer-A-Friend quest. If anyone is a looking to be a referee and get this done, message me and I'll message you the Referral code. I'm currently at 400 light on all 3 of my characters. I've done all the story missions, strikes and quests (including all the exotic quests). I've completed all raids on normal and heroic as well as the challenge mode. I'm not a master at the crucible, but I'm decent and I'm abysmal at Trials. I'm looking for something new and fresh and it looks like this might be it. Let's do this! Let's get this done!



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