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由MildSquirrel編輯: 3/30/2017 11:50:13 AM

Does green poop taste like broccoli?

Brown poop doesn't taste like chocolate so idk Edit: It doesn't



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  • Hey bungie you have been part of my life starting with halo 2 and after halo 3 three I had nothing to do, but then after playing halo 4 came out my parents got divorced and both of my grand parents died, and after the divorce I went into deep depression. I had started doing things like failing school and I coward in my room for days not eat at all and then in 2014 I saw the first trailer with the father telling the story so I decided to get destiny and then my life turned around I started getting good grades and I started eating alot but then my mom maried my ex step father and his 7 kids and that was tourcher. They had start to get on my xbox and they started to delete my game stuff like my first titan and that was so sad because that character I put a lot of time in and I think I had punched my step brother in the nose and he went to the hospitle and came back with just ibprofen and I had regreted that so much because my mom had grounded and that put me in another depression and I got a detention for sitting there doing nothing and Then the next week my birth day came and thats when I first got the taken king and not only that but my real father came back into my life and thats what made it so I barley played because all he did was make me work for him and then recently The rise of iron had came out and my birthday happened the day before it happend so i got and I played it for hours non stop and all i did was play and then just recently I heared that destiny two is out for pre order and the game comes out the day after my birthday so I asked my mother if she could get it for my birthday and that had made me so happy that she said yes but she said no because she said that I dont need it because i allready play to much and that made me so sad, But anyway bungie thank you for making my life a little better sincerly, PVP SHARK67



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