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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
由The Muzzy98編輯: 9/2/2017 2:59:16 PM

Why we won't have our TTK subclasses in Destiny 2

[quote]In the time since I first wrote this, we have learned that the three TTK subclasses are indeed returning. However, I would still recommend giving this a read for the information about the Light and how it works.[/quote] Hey all, I've been hearing all the talk about us potentially keeping the subclasses and abilities that we gained in The Taken King and I disagree. Here are a couple reasons why I don't believe we'll be seeing the subclasses return in Destiny 2. Bear with me because this post is going to be pretty long. 1) Lore potential - While it is true that the Traveler did not grant us our third subclasses, they are still powered by the Light. And if Ulan-Tan's theory on Light is correct (more on him later), all Light is connected across space and time. Support for said theory comes from the Grimoire card [u]Ghost Fragment: Cabal[/u], in which a stranded Ghost notes its eventual death due to being "too far from the Traveler for too long." Why do I find this to be the most likely? Well, Ulan-Tan was a Warlock who came up with the theory known as The Symmetry. The Symmetry preached that the Light and Darkness were eternal powers that would forever main symmetry in a cosmic balance- a cosmic yin yang as it were. (See card [u]The Darkness[/u]). This thesis is backed up by the way the Light and Darkness are described in the [u]Books of Sorrow[/u] and in the notes of the mad Warlock, Toland the Shattered. (See card [u]Ghost Fragment: The Darkness 3[/u]) Ulan-Tan's teachings were so popular that they eventually formed a cult/faction following the Warlock's death. (See [u]Ghost Fragment: The City Age[/u]) 2) Practicality - Bungie themselves have said that while our characters and classes will carry over to Destiny 2, nothing else will. This includes subclasses. I believe that Bungie would rather create all new subclasses and abilities, rather than port over an old one. However, I do still believe that we will have Light-based powers in Destiny 2. I theorize that the Cabal damage/ put the Traveler into some kind of stasis, cutting us off from the Light. However, provided that Ulan-Tan's thesis is correct, we could potentially work around this and regain access to the Light via the shard of the Traveler. The reason I say this is because in the Age of Triumph live event, the Speaker was given new radiant dialogue, some of which talks about it refers to "The Shard." However, keep in mind that all of this is just speculation and none of this is actually confirmed. [quote]EDIT: This is a distinction that I should have made earlier. None of our subclasses come from the Traveler. We get raw Light from the Traveler, which we use to manipulate the cosmic elements of Solar, Arc, and Void. With the loss of our Light, we lose the ability to manipulate these elements, and thus, we lose all of our subclasses.[/quote] Thanks for reading guys, I hope you all enjoyed it, or at the very least it got the gears turning in your head. You can find more of my work in the [url=]Muzzy Archive[/url]. I would like to give partial credit for the Shard Theory to my fellow lorist and ashenite, Haffoc. We discussed the meaning of the new Speaker dialogue and came to this conclusion together.



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