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由SquattingTurtle編輯: 5/23/2017 9:04:37 PM

What happened to customization? New perk tree systems only gives you 2 options?

I'm amazed that bungie can go backwards like this. Why am i forced to use one of 2 melee abilities just because i want my super kills to extend its duration?



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  • They added a third ability to the subclasses. Which in the end makes it so we gained more then we lost.



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  • That's one of the things I'm very much hoping Bungie changes with D2. The depth of character customization/progression. *** Granted: we don't know really anything about character progression in D2 yet *** But, whether you hate Destiny or love it; the character progression was pretty shallow. Even with the different circles/nodes that you could fill out in any of the sub-classes, there were still only a very few combinations that were viable to play. Thus, for each Main Class, there were only a very few, select "character builds" that a Player could utilize that would still leave their character viable for the content in the game. In D2, that character customization/progression needs to be much, much deeper IMO. Give us double/triple the amount of available Nodes to utilize per character sub-class. Make more of them viable in a wider variety of combinations, which will lend itself to creating more and more interesting characters that can fill more roles in a Group, and fill them better. The sheer lack of character class diversity in Destiny is one of the major things that turned me off to the game, but I would love to see Bungie take this issue seriously and not repeat this mistake in D2.



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    • They mainly made it this way so players in PvP stop complaining that a certain sub-class is overpowered.



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    • Hopefully the only reason why Bungie showed two trees is to prevent people from thinking there would only be one tree and they didn't show more because they don't want to spoil the rest of the trees. [spoiler]probably not tho[/spoiler]



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    • To be fair, we don't actually know how many sets there will be. There's an unusual space in between the two skill groups that looks like the perfect size for a third.



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    • I liked it when people waited for the finished game before complaining



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      • [quote]I'm amazed that bungie can go backwards like this. Why am i forced to use one of 2 melee abilities just because i want my super kills to extend its duration?[/quote] if d 2 had the same perk system i think we would have less balance and more issues, like the rising storm bug, bungie probably did it to avoid bugs and make pvp more balanced.



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      • Bungie has said that since nobody used the customization and essentially we all ran the same build on each class, they "streamlined" the process. Take that as you will.



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      • 由GrundleBeans編輯: 5/25/2017 6:30:17 PM
        That's not backwards. Customization simply for the sake of customization is never a smarter approach compared to better balance and control. Some of the best and most popular games do things that way and leave customization to things that don't affect ability/skills.



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      • Let's not forget they reskinned the supers



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        • It's an upgrade that's why



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        • I do have some concerns about this. Although I can understand some people arguing about the illusion of choice, only having 2 ways that you can build your subclass seems overly limiting compared to before. I don't mind making things more streamlined and simplistic, especially for the sake of balance, but this feels too excessive for me. Maybe if they had three or four options similar to the two four perk trees they showed off at the event I would be happier, or if you could still mix and match two or three perks from the same column like we have now.



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        • While I would like more customization, I don't mind it too much. I usually ran the same perks all of the time anyway. The "clusters" for Gunslinger both look great so far. I will miss having both Chains of Woe and Gunslinger's Trance though.



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        • Mainly for balance. It's also catering to the casual player.



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        • [quote]Why am i forced to use one of 2 melee abilities just because i want my super kills to extend its duration?[/quote] Kokatu reported that it was, and I quote: "Just to piss off SquattingTurtle". *giggles, throws feces at the wall*



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        • [quote]Why am i forced to use[/quote] Game not out yet. You're not the victim yet.



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        • It was practically an alpha build, and that's being generous. Just wait for the beta.



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          • To this I will say three things: 1. Right now there is really zero reason to change anything in your subclass on any class. There's no reason to run high agility. No reason to decrease your armor rating. There's just no reason. So they have given us 2 options which are preset and that makes sense to me. 2. I'm kinda disappointed that we don't see some type of actual new subclass in D2. Really don't know why we still have existing subclasses in a completely new sequel. I shook my head at that. 3. I forgot what I was going to say here.



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            • The game isnt out yet, changes could happen???



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              • Further change to progression is of course possible. However, I believe Bungie is being proactive in dumbing down character builds. With less factors to manipulate (less players, less skills) the Crucible will be easier to balance and the outcry for NERFS will be lessened. It's my belief D2 has been nerfed out the gate to improve PvP stability.



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              • I'm pretty bummed about it too. Not a direct quote but they basically said they wanted a more simplified, streamlined way to play the game.



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              • Maybe over the course of the game, more subclass blocks will appear? It's before the beta, so I can be hopeful. On another note, I hope we can at least switch blocks. Permanent choice would be awful.



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                • There's an opening for a 3rd branch in the middle. I'm sure Destiny 2 will put this as DLC accessible



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                  • 由TheArtist編輯: 5/24/2017 12:03:03 PM
                    Because of PVP. The more build options you allow, the harder it becomes to balance the game. The Division had this problem, everytime Massive would try to re-balance the game, people would (and still do) come up with these realy strange, obnoxious builds that unbalance the game. Most of those builds were useless for playing the PVE portion of the game. They sole purpose was for gaining advantage and trolling people in PVP. Then Massive would have to hunt them down....nerf them...then the process would start all over. I suspect that Bungie will add more "attunements" as build options as the game grows.



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                    • Games are becoming too accessible. Battlefield one made the same mistake. They need to have lots of options that offer fine tuning and specialization without making any single choice have an extreme effect. You should be able to build for synergy in a focused purpose or to eliminate weaknesses at the cost of max effectiveness.



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                    • You never know, it might be that you can just have four selected at any time, but ANY four out of the two grids. Its just that if youve only unlocked the first 4 then you can only have them selected. I hope. It sounds better than only having two options.



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