Since these forums changed from Halo to Destiny, it has been riddled with salt. Never has this been more prevalent since the release of The Taken King, so let's bring something positive back for a change. I remember all these "Design a raid" posts back in the days of old of these forums, so let's do it. These raids can contain anything you wish, any existing or fictional enemy, any location wether or not it exists, and wether or not it somehow breaks lore.
It's only fair if the OP puts his own cards down:
Name: The Final Form
Enemy Faction: Hive and Vex
Location: Mercury
A little backstory; After the loss of Oryx, the Hive, led by the mysterious Hive God Nielkroe, have invaded a prominent Vex stronghold on Mercury in a desperate attempt to secure a technology that could help them to reach their end goal of the final form of the universe. All fine and dandy, only problem is that they're actually succeeding, and succeeding would mean that the Hive are a threat to the entire universe. Being as such, you're fireteam has been dispatched to end the threat.
Phase 1: You would start on Mercury, obviously, at a location similar to the Lighthouse, except much bigger and much more Vex-like. Before you stands a large force of Hive and Vex battling, your goal is to kill their commanders to acquire codes that enter you into the Vex stronghold. Once you've done this, multiple Hive seeder ships drop down around you, and your first mini-boss comes out to halt your progress. This boss is a Major Hive named Akres, and he is shielded by a field of strange Hive energy. To defeat him, you'll need to board the Hive seeders in order to acquire Hive technology that will take down his shields, and expose critical spots on the boss's heavily armored body. Once he is dealt with, you may continue forward.
Phase 2: Entering the Stronghold and progressing a bit reveals to the player your first puzzle. This puzzle involves you avoiding swirling Vex machine spires and navigating fading architectural structures to activate machinery that will open a door that will lead further into the complex. You won't expect to do this without conflict however, as Vex Hobgoblins, turrets, and other defenses system will constantly attempt to stop you. A typical jump puzzle really, nothing too special.
Phase 3: You enter another area, this time a Vex time bridge stretching across a large chasm. From both sides of the area, large masses of Hive rush towards defending Vex units. You clear out the enemies as your progress towards the end of the bridge were you'll encounter your second mini-boss, the Vex Time-Keeper Prometheus. Prometheus is guarded by a barrier generated by surrounding structures. To shut down this gate, you must kill a special type of Minotaur in order to acquire a certain Vex-tech. This is only part of the puzzle though, for next the time lord banishes the players into a time pocket, kind of like VoG in the Atheon fight. To exist, you must acquire a certain buff and kill the guardian within the time pocket, forcing the players back onto the bridge. This will happen periodically until the Prometheus is killed and the player can continue forward.
Phase 4: Next up, another jumping puzzle. Progressing further brings you to another large chasm, the vex generated bridge has been shut down by the Hive at the other side, pretty poor strategy if you ask me. This puzzle involves jumping on spawning Hive tomb ships to reach one side of the chasm, and then activating periodically spawning vex technology that you can jump onto, allowing you to descend into the chasm until you eventually reach the heart of the stronghold.
Phase 5: You enter into the heart of the Vex stronghold, a circular room with a large spire with a glowing core inside of it. At the end of the room you witness Nielkroe, the big baddie himself, completely decimating a Vex Time-lord. Once he finished that, very shortly afterwards, he turns to you, roars, and the fight begins. Tomb ships spawn in from all sides of the room, dropping off enemies and such. In order to fight him, his face must be exposed so that he is able to be damaged. In order to accomplish this, you would have to acquire a buff to activate the central spire from a special Minotaur that spawn, and the spire will then emit a beam that temporarily opens the armored mask of the boss. This will be done until Nielkroe reaches the 1/4 of his original health, because at that point he'll open a portal into his own throne realm. Seeing as how you've succeeded the Taken King and assumed the mantle of Crota, you're able to follow him in.
Entering the throne realm reveals a very crystalline room, one that still has a very Hive-like esthetic. Facing you when you enter is Nielkroe, and he will roar in a call for reinforcements. His own Hive spawn will swarm you, and in order to defeat him you must kill his two children that will eventually spawn. Doing this will gift a player a buff that allows them to see a hidden Hive structure that will destroy Nielkroe's defenses. From here it's simply, kill him.
Phase 6: This phase really isn't a phase, it's actually a ruse. You kill Nielkroe and are teleported back into the central part of the Vex stronghold, the raid ends, and you get your very precious loot.
So, that's it. I'd love to here the ideas the community can come up with. Get to it!