My main problem (and sorry to beat a dead horse) is the catering to PvP with the new power weapon switch. When i played the demo at their panel everything else was nice however the power weapon setup really pissed me off because it feels really geared toward PvP. Snipers, shotguns, fusion rifles (and why the hell did they scrap Heavy machine guns?) are all power weapons now for what I ask? In PvE on destiny 1 there really was no problem unless PvP had a problem which ment carpet bomb nerfs across all game modes for one gun type as a whole rather than just that weapon on PvP only. I really dislike this new power weapon setup it's not like I don't like change but now it feels like the game is more guided to PvP players and not really PvE players I loved the old set up... This new one just isn't for me. I want to hear all of your thoughts and really this and the 4v4 is my only problem with the game.
Destiny 2 has been plagued with bad new since announcement. P2P networking, 4v4, No random weapon perks, Exclusive content never coming. 30 fps for 4v4 PVP on smaller maps is shockingly bad. Look at all these other games coming out, they carry nothing but good news, new features, more not less. Shadow Of War CoD WW2 Forza 7 Battlefront 2 Assasins Creed Origin Wolfenstien Get with the program ScumgieVision
由THEHenwithaTieBodyPillow編輯: 7/14/2017 5:58:32 PMAlmost everything they reveal is driving me away, which really sucks because I was really looking forward to some more destiny. I feel like I'm losing a lot of my favorite parts of destiny. Crucible doesn't look fun anymore, I loved reading the grimoire, hmgs :(, they blanket needed ability play, etc. The stuff I hope we gain has only really been vaguely talked about so far. All of the new pve stuff is an exciting thing for me, but we have basically no details so I won't set myself up for disappointment. Really the only reason I keep tabs on d2 at this point is just in case they drop some good info. Basically, the way they're marketing so far has only pushed me away. Thats a really sad situation for me.
Thanks for this. First I will say that I play a lot of PvP and I also support the new loadout. [b]Wall of text inbound.[/b] I think the PvP benefits of this loadout are undeniable. Gameplay will feel balanced, it will feel slower paced but ultimately that is a part of it feeling more tactical. And the comments by people who have already played the game echo this sentiment. Now, fundamentally your argument is that PvP is dictating the direction of PvE gameplay, and it has done so since the game launched. Which is correct. Well, at least for D1. We just don't know if PvP was the only feature that influenced the loadout change. However I think that it is not. I think that PvE is also to blame for the loadout change. Let me explain. If you look at the D1 content, and how we tackled them using the loadout, there are only a few conclusions. Gjallarhorn, Ice Breaker, Black Spindle, Fatebringer, Swords. There is only one primary weapon on this list, and that is also an elemental primary. Which means that in Destiny 1, people thought this was the best way to play the game. And the resulting gameplay was as follows: Gjallarhorn was the primary weapon for use against any boss in the game, snipers were extremely powerful and Fatebringer, being the best primary in the game for its perks and elemental ability, alienated rest of the armoury. In the end, end game activities became so much easier as a result of using that specific combination of weapons in the loadout in this way, (sniper/Gjallarhorn) and gameplay became stagnant. It even caused elitism in the PvE community. None of this will be a concern with the new loadout system in Destiny 2. And sure, killing bosses with strong weapons is fun, but ultimately it takes away from the ideas that Bungie had with the game and how it was to be played. With the new loadout system, it overlaps both PvE and PvP usage. The kinetic slot is for general use, and the Energy slot is for specific use, such as against shielded enemies or supers. The fact that these two slots share the same types of weapons allows for different variations of gameplay for players, and they can mix and match according to their preferred play style. So for example, in PvE, you could use a scout rifle for your Kinetic weapon, and use an auto rifle to get up close with shielded enemies and deal with them face to face. Or you can also have an elemental scout rifle so that you can effortlessly deal with shielded enemies without having to change your style. The option of how to play is yours. In PvP you can choose one weapon for close engagements, and the other weapon for more ranged play. Or you can have to close range weapons, one fully automatic and the other could be semi-automatic. The choice again is yours. And so he Kinetic and Energy slots are the main method of engagement. The Power slot is for a boost to power. Any weapon that provides a dramatic boost to your firepower belongs here. It is very similar to the Heavy slot in D1, but that slot had issues. Snipers were special weapons but they frequently did more damage than machine guns and most rocket launchers, making the heavy slot redundant. And in PvP, this allowed for some skilled players to abuse the ammo economy and dominate the game. So any weapon that can provide firepower that is noticeably different from the main two slots above, is a Power weapon. This gives meaning to the entire loadout, this puts us in a situation where we have to think about our loadout and make tactical and strategic choices, and also facilitates PvP and PvE balance. Now, unless my reasoning is flawed, I just can't see why this new loadout is bad, other than the desire to be more powerful than necessary.
I do not at all like how the supers operate in D2. Multiple Fist of Havocs? Dude, GTFO. A Nova that just walks around? I literally laughed when I saw that. GTFO. I want them to put shit back the way it was, add new worlds and activities, and just simply fix the shit that was broken and left behind in D1. I genuinely thought that's what they were going to do with D2. [i]I hate being wrong.[/i]
I like it! I like both Auto and Scout Rifles. Having both with a Rocket or Grenade Launcher will be fun. ^_^
[quote] I want to hear all of your thoughts and really this and the 4v4 is my only problem with the game.[/quote] IMO PvE players got exactly what they wanted, just not the outcome they expected to get. For a long time PvE players have been on the forums essentially trying to force Bungie to pick between PvE and PvP, in regards to what direction to take the series into. These players expected Bungie to side with PvE but Bungie instead appears to be set on supporting the Crucible going forward.
I just wish the exotics were powerful and hard to obtain again like in D1 Year 1 .. the good ol days made some memorable moments
At this point there really is not much more that can be added to this tired debate. Until we get to actually play it we are not going to know how the changes work in the context of the larger game. If the changes are really that big an issue for you I would suggest you don't buy it. But that's a decision only you can make. I'm personally open to the changes and am willing to give it a go. That's just me though.
I switched to Warframe, lost all interest in Destiny. My final verdict will be made after playing the beta, I agree all the changes are geared towards pvp, which I don't play.
I primarily play pvp but most of the weapon nerfs were because of pvp . I never thought this was fair. The ghorn and ice breaker nerfs were due to the ,"must have"requirements on lfg for raids. They were necessary imo. It seems that people are always going to make crazy requirements for raids though. I truly think that Bungie should have separated pvp weapons from pve weapons in D2 but they didn't.
I really like the new gun slots. I don't feel like it's geared towards pvp at all. I like the new system for pve because now I can carry a scout and auto rifle which will cover both short and long range. The only benefit of the D1 setup was the dps for bosses. I feel like they've gone away from bullet sponges since none of the new raid bosses or strike bosses are heavily dependent on dps. It's more mechanic driven now than it was when Destiny first came out.
1. most PVE players don't use fusion rifles or shotguns. 2. Sniper rifles should have been "heavy" weapons from the very beginning. Since they have always been the most powerful PVE weapon in the game where SUSTAINED damage is concerned. There was a reason why GHorn was returned to the game before Ice Breaker was. 3. There has never been a need to carry BOTH a sniper AND a Rocket launcher in this game since Year One. After that Bosses weren't either bullet spongey enough to need both....or you only had time to use one or the other, and not both (Raid bosses). 4. LMG have always been OP in PVP and UP in PVE....and turning loose LMGs in a dedicated 4v4 environment where every other aspect of play has been scaled back would have been ridiculous.....and would have resulted in them getting nerfed to the point of (being even more) useless in PVE. So I'd rather have a grenade launcher or a linear fusion rifle that actually DOES SOMETHING...than carry around an LMG that is basically window dressing. So other than forcing some players to have to change their habits, I really fail to see why people are getting so worked up about this.
I'm looking forward to the new weapon load out. But let's stop kidding ourselves. We all know the change was made to "balance" PvP. A great many of us have been saying since Y1, make Crucible primaries only, no supers, no abilities. Now .. we knew when we said it that it wouldn't happen. But it sure would have cut down on the nerf requests.
由FairlySplendid編輯: 7/11/2017 10:33:00 PMI feel like the #1 mistake you can make when trying to wrap your head around these changes is to envision how they would work in a D1 encounter. D2's sandbox, encounters, mechanics, ammo economy, DPS values, etc, etc have all been tuned and EXTENSIVELY play-tested around these changes. Once you've established [i]that[/i] as a baseline. These things start to make way more sense. Like LMGs for example. In D2, we have auto rifles [i]and[/i] SMGs available to us in kinetic/energy (primary/elemental) weapon slots. The LMG archetype would simply overlap too much to make sense.
Nah... I don't think you need to worry. As many have stated, the PvE has been built around the new weapon paradigm. You can't look at it through D1 lenses. You can watch any of the Inverted Spire vids to see that the strike boss was tooled to take primary damage. And when Power weapon was used, massive chunks of HP fell off. People even killed the boss in around the same time frame as D1 bosses... so TTK is relatively unchanged.
The only concern is weapons right? Well, I think we will adapt. And there will be a Sniper with the peark "can be equiped in primary slot" in a coming DLC. If peaple keep asking, Bungie might deliver. But I don't see any Major Issue. They moved it because they wanted to increase the time to kill. I think snipers moved in the same pot like rocket launchers. Thought snipers Need a Little bit more than a rocket to kill someone. Im really looking forward to Destiny 2. If its good or not. We will see. But the comunity is amazing! Asked few questions. always had nice Guardians help. I will not join the console beta as i will be traveling then. But maybe we see us in the PC Beta. Or on xbox at lunch.