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7/11/2017 11:29:15 AM

I feel very uneasy about Destiny 2... lets have a conversation.

My main problem (and sorry to beat a dead horse) is the catering to PvP with the new power weapon switch. When i played the demo at their panel everything else was nice however the power weapon setup really pissed me off because it feels really geared toward PvP. Snipers, shotguns, fusion rifles (and why the hell did they scrap Heavy machine guns?) are all power weapons now for what I ask? In PvE on destiny 1 there really was no problem unless PvP had a problem which ment carpet bomb nerfs across all game modes for one gun type as a whole rather than just that weapon on PvP only. I really dislike this new power weapon setup it's not like I don't like change but now it feels like the game is more guided to PvP players and not really PvE players I loved the old set up... This new one just isn't for me. I want to hear all of your thoughts and really this and the 4v4 is my only problem with the game.



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  • Thanks for this. First I will say that I play a lot of PvP and I also support the new loadout. [b]Wall of text inbound.[/b] I think the PvP benefits of this loadout are undeniable. Gameplay will feel balanced, it will feel slower paced but ultimately that is a part of it feeling more tactical. And the comments by people who have already played the game echo this sentiment. Now, fundamentally your argument is that PvP is dictating the direction of PvE gameplay, and it has done so since the game launched. Which is correct. Well, at least for D1. We just don't know if PvP was the only feature that influenced the loadout change. However I think that it is not. I think that PvE is also to blame for the loadout change. Let me explain. If you look at the D1 content, and how we tackled them using the loadout, there are only a few conclusions. Gjallarhorn, Ice Breaker, Black Spindle, Fatebringer, Swords. There is only one primary weapon on this list, and that is also an elemental primary. Which means that in Destiny 1, people thought this was the best way to play the game. And the resulting gameplay was as follows: Gjallarhorn was the primary weapon for use against any boss in the game, snipers were extremely powerful and Fatebringer, being the best primary in the game for its perks and elemental ability, alienated rest of the armoury. In the end, end game activities became so much easier as a result of using that specific combination of weapons in the loadout in this way, (sniper/Gjallarhorn) and gameplay became stagnant. It even caused elitism in the PvE community. None of this will be a concern with the new loadout system in Destiny 2. And sure, killing bosses with strong weapons is fun, but ultimately it takes away from the ideas that Bungie had with the game and how it was to be played. With the new loadout system, it overlaps both PvE and PvP usage. The kinetic slot is for general use, and the Energy slot is for specific use, such as against shielded enemies or supers. The fact that these two slots share the same types of weapons allows for different variations of gameplay for players, and they can mix and match according to their preferred play style. So for example, in PvE, you could use a scout rifle for your Kinetic weapon, and use an auto rifle to get up close with shielded enemies and deal with them face to face. Or you can also have an elemental scout rifle so that you can effortlessly deal with shielded enemies without having to change your style. The option of how to play is yours. In PvP you can choose one weapon for close engagements, and the other weapon for more ranged play. Or you can have to close range weapons, one fully automatic and the other could be semi-automatic. The choice again is yours. And so he Kinetic and Energy slots are the main method of engagement. The Power slot is for a boost to power. Any weapon that provides a dramatic boost to your firepower belongs here. It is very similar to the Heavy slot in D1, but that slot had issues. Snipers were special weapons but they frequently did more damage than machine guns and most rocket launchers, making the heavy slot redundant. And in PvP, this allowed for some skilled players to abuse the ammo economy and dominate the game. So any weapon that can provide firepower that is noticeably different from the main two slots above, is a Power weapon. This gives meaning to the entire loadout, this puts us in a situation where we have to think about our loadout and make tactical and strategic choices, and also facilitates PvP and PvE balance. Now, unless my reasoning is flawed, I just can't see why this new loadout is bad, other than the desire to be more powerful than necessary.



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