Hiya, fellow Guardians. o/
I'm a pretty awkward & quiet dude looking for a friendly clan. As my friends are all moving over to PC (I can't afford a good one yet, the struggle, lol), I won't have anyone to play with on PS4.
I watch too much anime for my own good, so being a clan of anime-lovers would help break the ice (not necessary though). A clan of 18+ would be nice too, as I'm in my early 20's, but I don't mind if there's a young teen here or there, as long as they aren't a squeaker.
I'm more PvE focused, but I do play plenty of PvP (though I'm very average), and would like to try getting into Trials and blind Raid runs. Having some sort of outside chat group like Discord/TS/Skype would be great too, but not necessary (just for the purpose of talking outside the game).
Probably sound really demanding, but in the end, I'm open to any friendly clan that's willing to take a homeless socially awkward nerd in. And ideally, become friends outside of Destiny too.
We at Xur's Scavengers will welcome you with open arms. We're small so there isn't much to worry about, myself and our primary admin have discords to keep in touch, we very much enjoy our share of anime, and we seek to get players for all game modes so you have a diverse group of people to count on.
Though if you decide on joining someone else, we don't hold it against you.