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由DarkTagger編輯: 9/4/2017 3:09:00 PM

Casual clan for PS4 now recruiting!- Wings of Twilight!

Hi Guardians New and Old! My name is Darktagger and I am the founder of Wing of Twilight. I started this clan because I am looking for a new dedicated group to play D2 with. A good chunk of my original D1 fireteam ditch the game before Rise of Iron and are not coming back for D2. Playing D1:Rise of Iron solo was a bit of a lonely experience, so I definitely want to change that for D2. I am hoping to get folks who just want to have fun. And I also want to be a safe haven for those who soloed D1 but didn't get to experience all of the content with a core team of regulars. Hopefully, some of us become friends through the process. If any is interested in joining the clan, let me know. Thanks and I hope to hear from some awesome guardians soon!



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