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9/7/2017 5:58:55 AM

So many of us are not getting Cold Heart...

Hello. I have been searching for answers as to why I have not received my Cold Heart. I am level 20. I have beaten the campaign. I have checked banshee, mailbox, all NPCs actually. I have looked at The Farm too. I have a lot of the other gear that was promised with pre-order. I have even deleted, and redownloaded the game. Still nothing. I notice a lot of other people are in the unfortunate situation as well. Has anyone at bungie made mention of this, and if they are planning on fixing it? I understand that it is still VERY early in the release of Destiny 2, and I am sure that Bungie has its hands full... but can is there anything? Or are some of us unfortunate enough to just not get it even though we pre-ordered the game, and are to never get it? If anyone has a solution, or some insight I would be very appreciative. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.



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  • Same issue. Redeemed Code Code came from PS4 Pro Bundle (From gamestop) Level 20 Beat campaign Unlocked all 3 specs Received all content EXCEPT Coldheart Tried logging out and back in refreshing codes via setup > PSN settings *shrug* not the end of the world I suppose



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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