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9/13/2017 5:07:39 PM

The crucible isn't "garbage" right now, you just picked up bad habits in D1 that you can't get away with in D2. (Reddit Repost)

Yes, you can't flank on your own and run into multiple people for a montage play without getting punished. You can't spam fusion grenades every 25 seconds. You can't ignore your positioning and skate out of trouble when things get hairy. I'm sure that's going to be frustrating for people who relied on this stuff in D1. You could do things that aren't tactically sound in an FPS game and get away with it in D1, and in D2 you are switfly and appropriately punished for bad habits. The things people are complaining that they can't do now worked in D1 sometimes because of an abundance of weapons/abilities that could either kill in one hit, or make someone weak enough that a single primary shot would clean them up. What inches me even closer to an aneurysm is that you also couldn't get away with this stuff in D1 if you were up against good players. The difference in D2 is that you get punished, even at a more casual level, for bad PvP habits. Teamshooting was king in D1, too, but there was no need to utilize it unless you were up against good players. Good teams would punish flankers and lock down lanes with sound positioning and map control. I get the frustration with solo queue- it is noticeably more difficult to win and perform well solo. It's always going to be hard to win with telepathy versus people communicating with one another over voice chat. This was also true in D1, and we complained about it enough to get freelance playlists. Those playlists had a laughably short life span because not enough people actually utilized them. I see a lot of people asking for the Overwatch system (where full teams are only matched up with other full teams, 2-3 stacks are matched with other 2-3 stacks, etc), but you then also have to consider that this means longer queue times with worse connection quality. This is also, I suspect, symptomatic of more connection-based matchmaking. Many of us might have considered ourselves above average in D1, only to realize the skill gap ahead of us now that we're facing a broader range of opposition to start off D2. I'm sure that will sort itself out over time as MMRs start to tighten the available pool of opponents for skilled players, but in the meantime let's not kid ourselves and blame the game for our own bad habits.



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