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由hssn編輯: 9/19/2017 9:42:18 AM

I don't like Beetle

Having Beetle error many times while playing Destiny 2 on Xbox One. The Xbox Live services and my network is fine, and every other games work with no problem. I can not proceed my adventure furthermore because of the error. What should I do?



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  • Understand that just because other games work 'fine' does not mean that Destiny will. Destiny requires a whole different level of network setup compared to other games because it is a hybrid peer-to-peer system. Which means you have to have clean both download AND upload. You need to be running your console via a wired connection, wireless connections will often give you beetle because of packet loss and jitter. The first thing I would do guardian is run a full hard reboot on all your equipment. Your console, your router and your modem. Turn them off/power them off, unplug them for >2 minutes and let them rest. Plug your modem in and turn it on, wait ~2 minutes, plug your router in and wait ~2 minutes, then plug your console in and attempt to play Destiny and see if that has resolved your problem. If it has, it was more than likely a network cache problem. If it doesn't, you are going to need to go through the help articles on this site and configure your ports, etc. to properly allow Destiny to work.



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