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9/27/2017 12:16:42 PM

Concept Art: VS The Darkness?

I was digging around online for Destiny concept art because I wanted a new wallpaper when I came across this. When I first saw this image I dismissed it as some concept art for a Hive location. However, after seeing the end of campaign cutscene for D2 I can't help but think that this might actually be The Darkness we're fighting here. The huge triangular shapes in the background are certainly reminiscent of the ships we saw in that ending scene, and if we were to believe that The Darkness is some opposite force of the Traveler, then could that Orb at the top of the image be a dark Traveler? Or maybe something that this enemy race built out of hate for the Traveler? The humanoid sculptures (the ones with the heads) don't look Hive to me. A lot of the landscape is very angular as well. Some of the imagery looks more Vex-like than Hive, especially when taking into account the end of campaign cutscene with those triangular ships, but we know it's definitely not the Vex. Is this location set on an enemy ship? Or could this be some terraformed planet? I'm really hoping that this isn't just early concept art for the bridge section of Crota's End... The location looks incredible and I really hope we get to experience it in-game.



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  • Definitely not Crota's End since this is labeled as D2 concept art. I agree that this is neither Hive nor Vex, but rather a location where we will be fighting the actual "Darkness," whatever that may be. Weird to see humanoid statues there, but the triangular ships in the background pretty much confirm what you said: that these are the baddies who we saw in the secret ending after the campaign. Cannot wait to read some lore about the actual Darkness for the first time ever, rather than just the Hive's understanding of it from the Books of Sorrow.



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