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10/10/2017 8:37:17 PM

Game freezing on Utopia Mission [XBOX]

Was doing Ikora's Meditation a minute ago on my Warlock. I got to the final section of the mission (the part with the vehicle), and I was approaching a breakable wall with three cursed thralls in front of it. The thralls blew up and the game froze. Console was completely fine, everything working perfectly there, but the game itself was completely unresponsive. Music was still playing and so were the shrieking noises coming from the thralls. Now, I have to restart the game, load the character select screen, wait an obscenely long time for the Tower to load, go back to Ikora, and do the mission all over again. While the mission isn't very difficult, I -blam!-ing hate it when my time is wasted by bullshit like this. Thank you and good day.



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