You guys changed control and now it's way too easy to play objective.. the time is way too short to cap and it seems like having a teammate with you does nothing. With only 4 people on each ten it leaves three people to leave me all by myself to get teamshot. You can't trust your teammates to have your back because your teams so small and heavy ammo is ridiculous now! Only one person gets it?? Not fair bungie. Jeeeeezzzzzzz. The spawn system is terrible as well, as i am being spawned directly in front of people who gun me down immediately with origin story , uriels gift, mida multi tool and last hope. Please fix your game as it is unbearable as it is now.
Sure one person gets the heavy, but there are tons of chances. Multiple spawn points that refresh a couple of times per match.
Spawning has been fine for me. Only twice have I been spawned near "the action" and once was near where I died. But your mileage may vary I guess.
If you hate getting team-shot, stick with a buddy. You don't need a mic, just follow him around and back him up.
If your team repeatedly ignores the zones, then maybe hit LFG to find a team that knows what they're doing.