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10/14/2017 1:01:05 AM

Are Paid Carries a problem?

I’ve noticed that during the last few Trials weekends in both Destiny 1 and 2 have had more and more of a presence within the #Recruitment subforum. I’ve heard a lot of back-and-forth over whether or not it counts as soliciting and breaks the site’s TOS, but I’ve not once seen a physical response from the staff. Does hitting the [b][u]Report[/u][/b] button even have any effect and are any Mods/Ninjas/CMs aware of the rise of this situation? I could include 20+ links to posts outright stating paid carries/account recoveries just for this day alone, but that alone is teetering over a rather thin line that borders “name-and-shame” policies. I’m not much of a square, just wanting to know how far can’s policies be stretched before at least some kind of action is taken.



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