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由SuperWood44編輯: 10/21/2017 6:43:19 AM

We all need to stand together and boycott

When "For Honor" was bad, the community stood together and didn't play the game for about a month and squeezed a response out of ubisoft. Its time for Bungie to do the same and step out of the dark. This community mostly sits on the fourms and redit and complanes about the game, while we know full well that Bungie doesn't care about our feedback. Its time to stand together and show them that we mean business! November 7th lets not play Destiny 2 Not everyone has to boycott, as a significant drop in players will do the same thing. "So I ask you, who will stand with me!" Share with your friends and everyone that plays Destiny. Use the #boycottNov7 Edit 1: Official boycott will begin Nov 7th but try and hold out longer until the next reset (Nov 14) to make more of a difference, but even not playing for 1 day will help.



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  • Damn that sucks but whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. Hes well protected , but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take these beast out, and break their grip on freehold.



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    • Casual Confirmed only 15 hours playing the game. MUTED>



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    • You can count me out. I’m in Destiny’s corner



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      • 由Lord Imperius編輯: 10/21/2017 11:03:56 PM
        [quote]When "For Honor" was bad, the community stood together and didn't play the game for about a month and squeezed a response out of ubisoft.[/quote] This is so wrong that I actually couldn't laugh at the stupidity of this statement. Allow me to bring the facts for all those reading. A small few people called for a one day black-out for For Honor, and the devs responded to the threat. Even then, the For Honor devs held a weekly twitch stream to answer questions, discuss the state of the game, faction war etc. Ubisoft had been communicating very well with it's playerbase. There was no black-out, only the threat of one. Literally the entire playerbase that was on reddit was calling the black-out dumb and childish. Then it became a joke, with literally thousands of people calling for a white-out, in which everyone would play for a specific day. Stop lying to justify your post. [quote]This community mostly sits on the fourms and redit and complanes about the game, while we know full well that Bungie doesn't care about our feedback. Its time to stand together and show them that we mean business! November 7th lets not play Destiny 2 Not everyone has to boycott, as a significant drop in players will do the same thing. "So I ask you, who will stand with me!"[/quote] I said it in the For Honor sub-reddit and I'll say it again here; [b][u]Grow up.[/u][/b] The devs are busy trying to work on the game, and you want them to stop whatever they're doing just to cater to your needs? Quit acting entitled. Do you seriously think Bungie doesn't care about our feedback? I'm 100% certain they care more about the game than you, as they literally spent years of their life creating the game. Cozmo and all the other Bungie devs on here have been passing the information along to the dev team, and only a select few will make it to testing. Even then, some suggestions just wouldn't fit with the game's mechanics and would be scrapped. I've met some of the devs at Guardian Cons and they genuinely care about our feedback, and our thoughts on the state of the game. Not only are you embarrassing yourself by suggesting this, you're embarrassing this community, just like those select few players on the For Honor sub-reddit did. [b][u]Grow up.[/u][/b]



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        • 由ReaperBlack_201編輯: 10/23/2017 1:56:34 PM
          well i didn't but Destiny 2, try to warn everybody here and wrecked by fanboy comments most of the time. Especially after they said, 4x4-dual primary and fixed rolls, how people still thought Destiny 2 will be a success is beyond me. Seriously why people bought this game with all the information they have? It became most successful fraud in gaming history. I boycott everything about Destiny 2 which is not Destiny. This is not our game.



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        • Bump. I'm Down to play fallout 4 while they fix things.



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        • Just don't play, all the people saying one day. You god damn junkie, just quit for now and it'll get better, jump on now and then for crucible if you don't wanna be rusty but don't do your milestones. I just stopped because I was bored, when the majority hits that point, they'll notice.



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        • I don't mind boycotting but you will have to email this forum to the Destiny support or devs (they have to listen to the management team regardless). You will also need to list out a complete document of complaints so they actually know what they're doing wrong and how they can feasibly fix it. If you don't do this then even if the boycott sparks their desire to improve the game, they won't know what to do.



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        • I don't remember any such boycott of for honor. If it did exist i'm sure it was just as childish as it sounds now. The devs have already said they're working on the game still do you think that the games just going to fix itself overnight? A boycotts an imbecilic idea that serves no purpose other than screaming for attention.



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          • Bungie announced all the major changes coming to D2 soon. Stop whining and shut up



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            • 由ThePhenomxx編輯: 10/23/2017 3:59:55 AM
              I haven't played in awhile. I don't sit here and complain with a pile of salt with no constructive criticism though. I have Zelda to enjoy and super Mario odyssey to look forward to. I guess you could say I'll be playing battlefront 2 as well. Overwatch is still my jam too.



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            • 由OnlyGeowgie編輯: 10/22/2017 8:38:11 AM
              You are telling me you guys still play Destiny 2 when you all hate it? Stop being theatric millenial scum and just stop playing, simple. Get a job, study harder at school, and get some real aspirations in life rather than pouring all your emotional investment into a damn video game.



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              • This community is a joke...I stand alone. It's been a pile of salt since day 1, and nothing will change it. This community is the reason D1 went to shit, and it's the sole reason bungie had to rethink every step they took with D2 development. Here we are. Enjoy.



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                • Muted



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                • “Yea this game sucks” #FreeDabest



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                • I'm going to play maybe 1 day every week until I get the last chestpiece I need to get my little dopamine high of 3 305's and then I have no intention of playing



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                • Isn’t November 7 a maintenance day?



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                  • No, because I like runnng around the EDZ with my Quickfang like I'm a ninja of the hidden leaf village who's going to become hokage one day, you better believe it!



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                  • Nah I'm having fun. What are you even boycotting? The game as a whole? Are they going to make every single person boycotting dream of the game come true?



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                  • I've seen the stupidest thing I'll see all month probably



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                  • This shouldn't be too hard. There is literally NOTHING to do.



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                    • But seriously....thats reset day and release for Xbox x. That's probably the worst day to choose. There's gonna be at least a small surge of players because of that. Probably a bigger surge then there are players on this forum. The most liked change d2 post had about 2k likes. Most of those people probably no longer play. Which means if 5000 people play that day, who usually don't, and 1500 don't play who usually do....this will literally show absolutely nothing except, you don't know how to create a meaningful petition, just like you probably don't know how to fix this game.



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                      • You people miss your grind and addiction.



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                      • The best part of this post is the people getting mad about being told if they don't like the game, don't play it, while simultaneously setting up a boycott for the people who aren't enjoying the game.



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                      • Been tapering down my playing sense hitting 305, and beaten the raid. Been playing more XCOM 2, because #othergamesexist. However, these posts make me want to play on Nov 7th all day. It's weird, because my friends, and myself must have been the only people who found this game fun. I have put in a solid 80+ hours. Didn't bother with IB, it did not look fun... also didn't whine about it on the forums. Like a filthy casual, I played something else. Be a filthy casual. Life is more fun.



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                      • Don't like the game? Don't play. Still plenty of us who are still finding enjoyment out of the game, even if it isn't perfect.



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