[quote][b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] I am not a Bungie Employee, so I cannot fully "confirm" what PlayStationDE tweeted as true or false. I just want to share the information. Please take the information shared with a grain of salt. [/quote]
In the Tweet shared above, PlayStationDE recently answered to a User in a Subtweet that the upcoming Destiny 2 Expansion "Curse of Osiris" will include a [i]new[/i] Raid. In the Tweet in question, PlayStationDE shared that Bungie is currently (Tweet from about 7 hours ago) telling them more about the upcoming Expansion "Curse of Osiris". In a Subtweet, a User asked for clarification on the topic if there will be a new Raid, or new Raid Content. PlayStationDE recently replied with "Neuer Strike, neuer Raid, neue Abenteuer, neue PVP-Map für PS4. Und ein Geist mit Name. Der ist cool." which directly translates to "New Strike, new Raid, new Adventures and new PVP-Map for PS4. And a Ghost with a name. That one is cool."
The context leaves little room for them meaning anything else than [i]new[/i], and as a German Resident with German being my first language, I don't understand the Tweet in any other way other than how I've translated it above for you.
I wanted to share this with you all as the German PlayStation Account is far less frequented as the english one (obviously). However, I would urge you all to take this information cautiously until Bungie officially confirms or denies this.
New raid. But same loot to grind for: Emblems and Shaders. No thanks man. I had hoped Bungie learned its lessons with TTK AND RoI - cosmetics will NOT motivate most players to grind the raids and other endgame content. We want some truly exciting, kick-ass weaponry a la Y1. We want them to be WORTH getting and WORTH using over anything you can get anywhere else in the game. It's BS that the game's hardest PVE challenges gives the most crappy rewards. That is why I went from doing 300+ raids in Y1 to doing less than 20 in Y2, and I didn't even bother to buy RoI after I took a look at the armory that would come with the DLC, which included the raid rewards. If raid rewards aren't any better than those offered elsewhere, there might as well not even be a raid because people will ALWAYS take the easiest path to the best loot - and there simply isn't any motivation to do something hard that is going to give a lesser reward.
I would love it if we returned to the Vault. A lot of people are concerned about reskins and old content, but I would pee my pants in ecstasy if D1 was recycled and inserted into D2. The expanding world idea makes sense anyway. Plus pc players could learn a bit about what the heck the rest of us are talking about.
I wouldn’t get excited, the fact the US release states new raid content and its the first language of bungie would be more reliable than a second language translating what they think new raid content means. More than likely as bungie have released prestige and challenge mode in recent weeks, new raid content is going to be prison of elders mark 2 or some other new 3 person PvE activity bungie will market as ‘raid content’ same as house of wolves DLC in year 1.
Then why didn't Bungie state New Raid? Also there's no mention of a new raid In the DLC description on the PS store.
Already asked and answered in Eurogamer update on CoO. "new raid content" and they asked if it was a new raid to which Bungie re-iterated "new raid content" Whatever that means, could be anything from ornamets to reskinned weapons to a new challenge, to a new boss in the raid. Its definately NOT a "new" raid
I wouldn't trust it. It's not directly from Bungie. [spoiler]And even THEY lie sometimes. "The Farm is the only social soace."[/spoiler]
Honestly if the "new" raid is just vog area wise but it looks updated and we have some new encounters i'd be happy. Or if we get a poe like activity with vex i'd be happy. Though if we got a new raid AND vog in some capacity for end game shenanagins well. I'd probably know what it means to be happy for the first time in years.
Thanks man. I appreciate this! Really really been looking forward to an all-new Vex raid. Hopefully Cozmo will wake up, kick the strippers out of his house, and get on the forums to rap with us. XD
Neat-o. I'm tempering my expectations, but this does make me even more optimistic then I was before. If we're being honest, I'm just stoked that there will be new stuff to do.
An entirely new vex themed raid would be awesome, a remastered VoG wouldn't be as awesome but still pretty cool assuming they bring back all the loot from it too, an expansion on Leviathan would be disappointing. Fingers crossed for a brand new vex raid!
Look, folks. They have a new goddamn raid. They released a DLC once without a raid and got tons of crap for it. They’re not going to do that to their players again. New mistakes, sure. But not old ones. We are getting a new raid. Calm down.