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原先發佈於:Destiny Fiction Producers
11/3/2017 1:15:05 PM

The Guardian Rising: Chapter 3: Farm

I jump down from the ship. Suraya Hawthorne is with me. Artemis is with me as well obviously. After about an hour of waiting. I get my gun back. I hear thumping footsteps behind me. With a quick turn, I see a Titan walking towards me. But not just any Titan. It is Lord Shaxx. I salute him as he strolls through. Shaxx gestures to Hawthorne. Suraya looks at me and tells me to come along. Artemis goes with me. All of us make our way to a room on the second floor of the barn house. There is a room with a massive table in the center. "I can't find [i]The Guardian[/i]." Shaxx says lowly. "There's a possibility they're dead." "We can still fight the Cabal and take in refugees." Hawthorne tells him. "We've survived." Artemis butts into the conversation. "I'm sorry Suraya, there's no fighting the Red Legion without powers." "You say it like it's impossible but I know we can do it." Hawthorne seems angered about the powers subject. As if something had happened to her before. Something terrible involving the Guardians. "FACE IT HAWTHORNE!" Artemis shouts. "You can't win this! We can't! HUMANITY CAN'T WIN THIS!" "You [i]Guardians[/i] can't either! I would rather die fighting then by some planet burning Cabal weapon." At this point I am just watching this play out. From both sides. "We aren't fighting the Cabal head on Suraya! We will be slaughtered." Artemis says this quickly. She stresses the word slaughtered. It's nightmarish how we even got into such a situation as this. "You may but Humanity won't be. You and both know you're just scared. Your precious Zavala had the planet evacuated as if it was actually his right! He's just a coward like the rest of ya!" Artemis screams at Hawthorne: "Speak lowly of Zavala again and I'll have your neck broken!" I feel a tingling sensation my back. I turn around and walk downstairs. Then I stroll and leave the barn house. In the distance is a massive object. My Ghost appears. It looks at the object as well... "Guardian. That thing is a Shard of the Traveler." I let out a gasp. I might be able to get my powers back. In a moment, I load my Red Spectre. I grab another gun too. A gun called the [i]Hopscotch Pilgrim[/i]. For my special weapon slot, or energy weapon as it's been called now, I take the [i]Eyasluna[/i]. Before thew weapons act was put into place, having both an Auto Rifle and a Handcannon was illegal. Of course in my Heavy/Power slot I have this Gjallarhorn I found. There is a Sparrow in a shed. It is the [i]Ravensteel[/i]. To match I use a Superblack shader kit on my armor. I grab the Sparrow and ride it to a ship. The ship is a beaten up version of the [i]Hebridean Thoughtcrime[/i]. The Sparrow transmats on and I enter the cockpit. I've never been inside a ship of this model so everything is new to me. I press a few buttons. Then, I feel the ship flying. A steering stick rises from the ship. I push it forward. And like a broken sparking, metal bolt of lightning I head for the Shard of the Traveler.



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