Today I tried to play D2 and was on the game about 1 min and got the blue screen. This game has become so broken for me.
About a month ago I started getting the blue screen. I followed the instructions to fix it from a PS4 website. I wiped the HD and reprovisioned the PS4. Reinstalled D2 and still had the issues. About 2 weeks ago I reinstalled D2 just in case I got a bad install and that worked until Friday. On Friday I got the blue screen 6 times in an hour. Didn't matter what I was doing.
I decided to buy a new HD in case that was the issue. Set the PS4 up, reinstalled D2 and COD WWII. Today I played COD for 2 1/2 hours no issues. I decided to open D2 and pick up some things lost on Friday. I opened the game, selected my warlock. I selected the tower and loaded in. I walked over to the postmaster, picked up a warlock bond that I immediately dismantled. I started to run toward Hawthorne and went past the gunsmith to drop down by the tree. At the tree I hit the blue screen. The game is so broken and bad I can't even play it.