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11/14/2017 2:31:46 AM

Communicating with the Playerbase

I think the best part about Warframe and Digital Extremes is how Digital Extremes interacts with their community. You can tell by watching a single developer stream or Prime Time video on twitch that these are people who love the game they're making! That comes across when they interact with the community on Reddit and on the Warframe's website. They communicate openly about future plans, ask for input from the community about what we would like to see in the game, and give realistic expectations on what we can see next. [DE]Aidan is replying to posts in feedback and help almost daily! [DE]Rebecca has long conversations with players in the forums. [DE]Megan has personally replied back to me about questions that I had multiple times! There are posts from members of the Digital Extreme's team DAILY in the Warframe forums. If you don't believe me, there's a button to click in the forums that will bring up a list of all the most recent posts by the staff. Come to the Bungie forums though, and it's damn near silent. There are no candid responses, except when the odd developer loses their cool on twitter and yells at us for being toxic. Yes, we are a toxic community, but it wasn't always like this! Before Destiny 1 came out, these forums were a happy place! Members from Bungie posted regularly about their excitement and shared news. There was a bit of distress when Destiny first launched, but it was a slow decent into hell. I honestly think that fall from happiness to gloom and doom is partially because the player base doesn't feel like we're being heard. Bungie isn't here, they're basically ignoring us. The vast majority of posts by Cozmo are scripted: "I see your feedback, I'll make sure to put it in front of the devs!" Why aren't the developers paying attention to their community in the first place? It sure seems like Bungie honestly doesn't care what we think, they're just after getting paid. At least, we haven't seen any proof to the contrary. Cozmo and Deej, you two used to be loved around here! In 2013, it felt like you were fans of Destiny who happened to work at Bungie. Now, it seems like you're just in these forums because it's your job; you don't actually have a passion anymore. What happened? Why are you guys so inactive from the forums? Why isn't Bungie allowed to be active on the forums. Maybe if Bungie was here more often, having actual conversations with the player base, listening to our suggestions and being open about which ones they really like and which ones they don't, we wouldn't be such a toxic community! Tl:dr Bungie needs to actually be a part of the Destiny Community again. Be less like a huge corporation, and more like a group of gamers building a game they want to share with other people. Be like Digital Extremes!



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