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11/24/2017 7:11:41 PM

Error Code: Newt

TL:DR Multiple xbox ones in a single household, frequent error, chronic issue. Really aggravating. My wife and/or I get Newt error codes frequently,every time we play together. In a 2 hour session, between 6-8 errors. Usually the behavior is such that if we are trying to fast travel, one of us will get stuck at a black screen for a while. Or if we are going to start a crucible or match made event, we see 0/0 in the search circle. These are indicators we will error out and get a newt. Also, if we cannot load a PvE public area, we will timeout to newt. Workaround to play again: One of us will have to leave the fireteam, try to change characters, then get logged out of the game (usually a VIPER error). Something around permissions have changed. Reopen game app essentially,choose character. Will be good for 1-2 matches / world loads. Takes like 3 minutes each time. horrible experience. Network: Have tried on a number of Xbox ones (we have three), wireless vs. wired doesn't change situation. Internet speed is 400Mbps, 0-1% packet loss. Xbox ones have download speeds of 80-100Mbps, upload of 35Mbps. Had two internet gateways as well as one, no change. No NAT issues (NAT Open) UPnP is enabled. Any else having this issue? Anyone know a way of resolving? The Bungie definition page of Newt is less than helpful.



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  • [quote]TL:DR Multiple xbox ones in a single household, frequent error, chronic issue. Really aggravating. My wife and/or I get Newt error codes frequently,every time we play together. In a 2 hour session, between 6-8 errors. Usually the behavior is such that if we are trying to fast travel, one of us will get stuck at a black screen for a while. Or if we are going to start a crucible or match made event, we see 0/0 in the search circle. These are indicators we will error out and get a newt. Also, if we cannot load a PvE public area, we will timeout to newt. Workaround to play again: One of us will have to leave the fireteam, try to change characters, then get logged out of the game (usually a VIPER error). Something around permissions have changed. Reopen game app essentially,choose character. Will be good for 1-2 matches / world loads. Takes like 3 minutes each time. horrible experience. Network: Have tried on a number of Xbox ones (we have three), wireless vs. wired doesn't change situation. Internet speed is 400Mbps, 0-1% packet loss. Xbox ones have download speeds of 80-100Mbps, upload of 35Mbps. Had two internet gateways as well as one, no change. No NAT issues (NAT Open) UPnP is enabled. Any else having this issue? Anyone know a way of resolving? The Bungie definition page of Newt is less than helpful.[/quote] Constantly gettimg this error code . Do a couple of strikes or crucible and sit in que screen for ages then get the error code . Been goin on for a week now and not impressed with it . Lets hope for a resolution to this issue asap !



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  • We used to get a similar issue with a very similar fix back in the Rise of Iron days. First time I've had it since D2 was tonight... Let's hope it doesn't take as long to fix as last time



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I'm getting this error as well on xbox one. I can play a couple activities, then I sit in matchmaking for a while when queuing up for the next one, and I get the newt error. I can play a couple more activities just fine after I restart the app.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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