Wtf did you think when you put this weapon into the game Bungie? Crucible is ruined till its nerfed and the best part of it will be that Bungie will nerf it maybe next week cause they are just too lazy. You could atleast nerf it on Pc cause its easyer too patch here but nope its not like you have only take the dmg down. And the biggest bullshit is that we already have this weapon just with another calour and elemental its just the work of an uncreative Team, stop making so much content for eververse (More like Everworst) we want cool, new and fresh exotic Armor and Weapons not exotics from D1. This game is just a Moneymachine.
Edit: so they anouced its a bug with the dmg but its still not realy creative
At best all you can hope to do is trade unless you catch them afc or engaged with another player. If that guardian melted has you in its sights your best bet is to run. I've been trying to get it but out of the 3 exotic engrams I've gotten to drop they have all been DUPLICATES. I spent hours grinding for them and surprise it was all for a 5-10 power increase on a related weapon. Makes me wanna smash my ps3 and be done with this atrocity.