It's pretty clear the fans are upset that Destiny 2 is focused so much on the Eververse. I have always been against micro-transactions since Destiny 1 as they have no place in a paid game, let alone in a paid game series with a $500 million budget.
Fact is greed is the name of the game and 2017 is chock full with publishers squeezing as much profit as they can regardless of it's affects on player enjoyment.
Obviously Bungie is going to make a post soon about this most recent controversy. They are probably going to put it across as "We thought we had a good balance but it's clear to us that Eververse isn't working as we had hoped so we are listening and making changes"
Bungie/Activision if you are reading this it should be clear that players are fed up with you focusing Destiny 2 around micro-transactions, they are fed up with you coming out with half hearted responses, and fed up with your blatant micro-transaction focused changes.
So far:
You had an XP scaling system that you never told anyone was cutting 95% of XP gained for certain activities.
After being called out on the scaling system you removed it with a half hearted response before doubling the XP needed for a Bright engram. [i]Nice[/i].
You then released a DLC and removed content available to players pre-DLC unless they purchased the new DLC. (You did that in Destiny 1 as well but very few complained probably due to you having a larger fanbase ready to defend you than you do now.)
The best solution for you in terms of redeeming yourself (somewhat) in the face of all this criticism and disappointment would be to remove micro-transactions. Turn off the ability to buy items with real money permanently.
I hope most of these ridiculous decisions have been forced upon you due to your 10 year contract with Activision but I doubt that to be the case.
SHIT just got REAL. EVERVERSE and other "predatory" gambling simulators from developers like Bungie UNDER INVESTIGATIVE SCRUTINY as 5 more states seek legal crackdown. Please bump and let's get real with ending this exploitation. The whole "we've been listening to your feedback" BS days are over. Everyone can see Bungies lies for what they are in broad daylight..