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由Zealotry編輯: 12/21/2017 2:18:41 AM

[PC]The House of Wolves seeks Guardians to witness our redemption. [Open Recruitment]

The Fallen House of Wolves is seeking reconciliaton after the fall of Skolas, false Kell of Kells. Guardians would seek to form friendship, yes? Joining House of Wolves will help us make amends for the damage Skolas has done. [u]The House of Wolves extends a formal welcome, Guardians[/u] House of Wolves is a PC destiny 2 oriented clan that does any and all content, with many players specializing in certain areas of either PvP or PvE. We take pride in our acceptation of especially new players, being willing and excited to help them through their Destiny 2 Journey. New to a raid? Want help with public events? Really need that Trials clan engram? We have your back, Guardians. Our clan operates mainly out of Discord (found below), where we reside as the sister group for the Ferrum E-Sports Professional Gaming Organization. Our players come from many backgrounds, some from that professional scene we grew from, others simply protecting the Traveler in Destiny 2. Being a part of one side means of course you are also invited to participate with the other group, being people who may or may not also own Destiny 2, but play other games with members of the House of Wolves. [u]Our Commitment[/u] Ferrum E-Sports and the House of Wolves wants to encourage personal growth in Destiny 2, and in all your other adventures, while you grow with us. This means demonstrating our exceptional ability to teach those with the patience to learn. [u]Our Goal[/u] The House of Wolves offers organized raid schedules, as well as down-time activities (Want to PvP at 4am? Ask away!) Growing the clan through effort and pride, our goal is to provide the best possible platform for you to experience Destiny 2 in any aspect you choose. The House of Wolves welcomes this alliance Gaurdians, yes. Do you accept this invitation? [u]Discord[/u] Our discord can be found at [url][/url] Please notify a House Kell (Role name:@Kell of Wolves) or Vandal (Role Name: @Vandal) of your intention to join, so you may be assigned the proper role and accepted into the clan, as well as receive a warm welcome and invitation to join in on the fun.



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