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12/28/2017 6:21:04 AM

illminated engrams should become event (dawning) engrams

I think that during an event like The Dawning, all bright Engrams or Illuminated Engrams or whatever they're gonna be called next, they should become Event Engrams, which drop anything, including Event gear. That way people can actually earn Dawning loot, plus if you can earn more loot through a daily quest, even better. This is why I think a lot of people are upset, they cant earn anything besides Daily Quest or microtransactions. something akin to what Overwatch does, and maybe people will be more okay with the Dawning Event. I understand how many people want Tess to die and to be able to raid her stuff, but we all know, Bungie won't remove Tess or Microtransactions. However, i think this, plus a decrease in max exp needed to level up, maybe at least a 15% decrease, at best 25%, as well as an increase to how much bright dust you gain from dismantling bright engram loot, a 75% increase, no less. I also believe, as a form of goodwill, at the start of every new event, they give us 3-5 free Event Engrams. Thank you and if you agree, a bump would be very appreciated but not required.



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