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1/6/2018 1:46:34 AM

Forging Sparrows and Ships at the Farm.

We all know The Farm is underused as a social space. Once you complete the campaign there really isnt much reason to go back there. I've seen some ideas floated for the farm. Ideas like making it an LFG area are cool, but would take some time to implement. In the short term, I would like to see a forge like system for Sparrows and Ships. The player gathers materials from different activities and locations. Gather enough materials and you can forge a new vehicle. Make a new Shipwright that stays on the Farm. Create ship and sparrow Kiosk. Maybe even expand the farm to include a test track for newly acquired sparrows. Just an idea.



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  • Dude, I love this idea. I liked how even though they were super expensive, the rare sparrows in D1 from Xur parts were great to make yourself. I would love the ability to buy parts for sparrows (or ships) at the farm. :) cheers.



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