So being muted is apparently a thing now.
And we've all been muted at one time or another. Which is the way it is.
But this new trend has grabbed my attention.
It involves the muter reading the post of the soon to be mutee, deciding they don't like it, and leaving a message for the O.P. that concludes with:
Now the messages are each different, but most seem to be a way of trying to grab the O.P.'s attention, throwing what most would describe as an insult their way, and then finishing with: muted.
As if to say, "ha ha, I talked trash to you and now you can't say anything back because I muted you!"
These same folk present themselves as those who understand the true nature of Bungie and why they do what they do. The present themselves as the authority here in the feedback forum who's job it is to let those with a dissenting opinion know how wrong they are, right before muting them.
They complain about toxicity and lament those that don't agree with them. And yet, when offered an opportunity to have actual dialogue with someone, would rather mute them then hear what they have to say. It is what it is.
The mute button served a purpose once upon a time. Now it seems to be used as a tool by people who require safe spaces within the forum itself.
Bungie, there are those of us who require no safe space. Who can take whatever is thrown our way and deal with it.
How about creating an anything goes forum where there is no mute button. Where anyone can say whatever they want, no matter how offensive it might be deemed.
Not sure how you would accomplish that. But I'll leave it in your hands.
[quote]How about creating an anything goes forum where there is no mute button. Where anyone can say whatever they want, no matter how offensive it might be deemed.
That place would become infested with trolls and sarcastic jerks in seconds.
I'll never understand why someone would post an opinion piece, and then proceed to mute anyone that disagrees with them.
Why bother posting in the first place?