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1/15/2018 7:22:10 AM

This is where Bungie stands! Will you give them money again?

Let me break it down in details for you ;) Bungie stands in either of these two different places now, from the consumers' perspective and neither one a positive spotlight. 1.The deceiving developer (Majority of the community leans towards this) According to Jason Schreier, Bungie succumbed to the idea of Eververse becoming the possible end game loot chase OR a predatory cash grab kiosk for extra dollas, since creating content is very difficult and requires a lot of time. Honestly! seeing how everything has striped off from D2 and the XP manipulation that happened a while back, I don't see Schreier being wrong. 2.A developer full of rookie mistakes (This is what Chriss Barrett rather Bungie team to look like now) Barrett mentioned that all the XP throttling problem was a bug in coding (a mistake) and they also never meant for Eververse to become the forefront of end game activity (another mistake). They also, slowly, are bringing back everything they left out from D2 at launch (a grave mistake to take'em out) Now! Would you put a tiny ray of trust back in a DEV company that's put time and effort towards manipulating/deceiving you or a DEV company whose rookie mistakes' end results have been a hectic rather fun ride for you? Either way, I don't see a way out of this deep hole for Bungie at Fall 2018, unless...



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  • Cool story. They’ll get my money. I enjoyed over 2k hrs in the first and over 250 in this game so far. Unlike you I wasn’t “misled”. I played the beta. I talked to folks who played the PC. I talked to folks that played both. I then took my money and made my decision to preorder the game DLCs, not let down yet. I’m not blind to things that need changing but unfortunately as they did for the last three years, my thoughts on the game don’t align with those of the ❄️ riding the bandwagon. So while you sit here and cry about things ask yourself this, who forced you to buy the game? Did Bungie come into your house and hold you at gunpoint and force you to buy it online or in a store? I highly doubt it. You had a decision to make, I’m sure you played the beta, yes? Did you not read the information Bungie also provided on what would be available in game at release and after? I remember there being a timeline on the first page of the app for weeks. Did none of that help you decide on whether or not you should buy it? You’re a bad consumer. Next time GameFly before you buy or watch one of those lame ass Twitch streams if you can’t afford to make a bad decision on a video game. In the history of video games do you ❄️s actually think you’re the first group of people to buy a game and it not be something you liked? 🙄



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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