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1/28/2018 2:45:58 PM

An Odd End To Leviathan

When I had completed the Calus encounter in Leviathan, my team had brought his health down so quickly that we were only on our second buff and for some reason Calus didn't do his final wipe attack until after he said to grow fat from strength, and afterwards when he normally falls down he didn't. His leg was still off but he was walking around like normal, not attacking but even appearing on the radar, some ammo even popped out of his head like normal but while he was standing up. I don't know what happened there, was it because my team beat him fast or something? If this has happened to anyone else or if someone has an idea on what happened could you say so? I'm really confused by how this happened. Since I had to delete the video of it for more storage space I have no proof so if you don't believe me that's fine, I just want to know why that happened.



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