just tried out the Clan Fireteam Schedule an Event.
I Entered a Date and time. Ex. 14. May 1:00 PM
But once I go back to the Main Clan Chatpage, you can see in the top right corner under upcoming events its now 4:00 AM.
I asume it used a different timezone to issue the event and then to show.
My Timezone is MESZ. So when I enter a Time it should be MESZ and displayed for me as MESZ. If Someone with time zone PT sees my Event, he needs to see the time converted to PT.
If this is currently not possible to change in the code to get the timezone, please make it able to select. So that when I create an Event, I need to select the timezone.
Thanks and Regards
Just noticed this was already postend and acknowledged here:
I hope the forum search will make it's return sooner than later.