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由FadedFern88編輯: 4/24/2018 2:15:08 AM

If your curious about the Aeon armor, read this

This is the order of the Aeon armor from Aeon Swift, to Aeon Safe, and finally to Aeon Soul. It’s hard to understand if you didn't figure out the parentheses and such. I broke it down and it’s quite a mysterious story. . We followed the Path The Path crumbled beneath our feet Our feet became one mind One mind can absorb the truth The truth is that Osiris understands nothing Nothing can describe the joy of shared thought Thought you knew what they were didn't you You haven't lived as they do Do you wish to find your future Your future is predetermined Predetermined individuals will never find answers Answers lie in forbidden places Places bound by shared dreams Shared dreams will reveal your nature Your nature is to destroy . Destroy your sense of self Self-preservation coddles leaders into ritual complacence Complacence is something I have forgotten I have forgotten loneliness uncertainty life alone Alone i see with my six eyes Eyes watching from beyond the heliopause The heliopause is a curtain before the next and final act Act decisively to meld with yourselves Yourselves will know you You together alone striving toward your final purpose Purpose built to move as they move . Move to stand apart from your heroes Heroes are commonplace these days Days of change draw ever closer Closer looks at what is forbidden can only help Help them help you You are so afraid of the taboos Taboos must be overthrown Overthrown rulers would agree i'm sure Surely you are convinced by now Now go and find yourselves . So odd



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