I won the Movie of the Week a few weeks ago in this TWAB: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/46746
With this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPinIxblqUc
I have my PSN username in the description and was wondering if there was some kind of delay in receiving the emblem?
I checked https://destinysets.com/ and it showed me that I have it "Unlocked in Kiosk" on Xbox One, from a previous winning video that was months ago, but my PSN account shows it as unlocked but reads as "Dismantled".
I didn't provide my Blizzard username for my PC copy, but that also shows as "Dismantled". Not sure if that's because all 3 accounts are linked here on Bungie.net.
Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.