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由Archival Mind編輯: 5/6/2018 11:48:02 AM

A Different Approach to the Worm Gods

<This post is kinda pointless seeing how we're going to be SEEING a Worm God in 2-3 days but I feel like this needs to get out. A couple days ago, in response to the developer insight video on Warmind, user [REDACTED] brought up the subject of moths (given that they were the inspiration for the Hive) on a post about Xol being confirmed. He mentioned that moths have scales. I did a quick look up and then realized how stupid I was for not remembering that moths had scales... I grew up on Godzilla movies. So then I began thinking... what if the Worm Gods aren't dragons, wyrms, or wo- no that one still works in this case... anyway, but ridiculously huge moths? Sounds -blam!-ing odd, I know, but here me out. Listen to what Yul says... egotistical -blam!- that he is. "Behold my passage. Behold my vast displacement, my ponderous strength, my great and coiling length, my folded jaws and curled wings." - [b]Books of Sorrow IX: The Bargain[/b] "Behold my majesty. Behold my crushing might, my staggering size, my scales that shine with an oppressive gleam. Behold my wings, which create winds that sweep through the stars." - [b]Apocrypha[/b] "Scales that shine with an oppressive gleam"... that does not sound Reptilian at all. I could say Avian, but I haven't seen a -blam!-ing bird that worms its way around. Sounds kinda like an insect to me. The Hive and Worms both have Chitin covering their bodies, chitin usually being attributed to insects and fungi, something the Dreadnaught is literally made from... I'd say we could be dealing with a massive, moth-like entity... or entities. So, what's the biggest argument for the Worm God = wyrm-like/dragon-like theory? Folded jaws and curled wings. Look up curled wings and tell me what's the first creature you see in images. As for jaws... this is a hard point to argue. But then I noticed a TINY detail on the worms on Titan. No, not the ones that pop out of the Hive when you kill them. The ones that are lying all over the ground. The ones with orange eyes... Can't see it? Let me show you a screenshot I took. You're going to have to zoom in, but right by the reticle, on the worm's face... there's some suspicious looking, tooth-like stuff coming out there... EDIT: Took another picture, more up close on its "maw".>



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  • I like what you've done under your theory here. What I feel like the important part here is that the terms dragons and Worms are coming from our language interpretations of what they could actually be. Especially with the Hive they do tend to resemble our understanding of insect like creatures with exoskeletons and with the Worms they would closely resemble the larvae of moth's and such. However, these are extremely alien beings to which we have very little to no understanding of their scientific biology. A lot of what the in game lore is referring to is what we could best equate them to in our own terms. When we (ingamecharacters) see a flying creature with wide wings and bone like scale structure and a large toothy maw, our history and understanding would equate that to a dragon. As well with the worms. Also as a side note, the Hive were originally conceived as a race of moth like beings with beautiful wings. This eventually translated to what we have now.



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