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12/12/2015 1:34:46 PM


Lol it was so funny, I have no idea who this person is... I was just racing lmao... Some kid I guess. I uploaded the screen shot and cropped there name.. For there protection. Post your hate mail below I'd be interested to see it all. First hate mail in slr.



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  • Sorry to necro this post about D1 SRL, but I too got my very first hate message in D2. So some members of my clan and I were playing Quickplay to get our Milestones done and just have fun. We played a few matches and the second to last match was on one of the new Warmind maps called Solitude I believe. It was Control and we just kept capping their 'C' point. Now I was just playing the game and not paying attention to the score, but apparently at the end of it I was top tier on my team and got messaged by the bottom tier person on their team. I won't say who they were because I can't remember, but they said, "You are as pathetic as the "female dog" that birthed you." He also teabagged me after he killed me when the match was over. I laughed, told my clan mates this and they told me to reply back, which I did, with "Thanks for the free real estate." and left the chat. I felt so satisfied getting my first hate mail for simply playing to my best. Oh forgot to mention my equipment I guess. Well, Orimund's Anvil, Graviton Lance and Sins Of The Past.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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